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no wonder they're trying to EoL Windows 10 in three years lmao

forcing an "upgrade" to Windows 11 would be what finally forces me to switch to Linux full time

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I'll switch when linux supports HDR

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xorg and wayland are both such clusterfricks I doubt that'll happen in the next decade

btw, if there are any wayland shills reading this, your shit sucks. Supposed to be the next-gen display server and yet literally INCAPABLE, at the protocol level, of proper fractional scaling, even with toolkits that support it like qt. Not talking about xwayland either, which is even worse despite normal xorg being almost functional. In fact it's not even possible for an app to render correctly under the current wayland fractional scaling ""solution"", butchering text rendering everywhere, and even in fullscreen -- if you have it enabled it is not possible for mpv to play a 1080p video on a 1080p screen without getting linearly smeared everywhere!

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What do anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, 9/11 truthers, and anti-Wayland activism all have in common? All of them are characterized by a blithe rejection of facts to embrace a narrative of victimization by a vague authority. In the case of Wayland, the “vague authority” are a bunch of volunteers who have devoted tens of thousands of hours of their free time towards making free shit for you. “Wayland sucks!” is a conspiracy theory with no basis in truth, and its supporters have spent years harassing Wayland maintainers, contributors, and users. And it’s time for it to fricking stop.

Maybe Wayland doesn’t work for your precious use-case. More likely, it does work, and you swallowed some propaganda based on an assumption which might have been correct 7 years ago. Regardless, I simply don’t give a shit about you anymore. I’ve tried appealing to reason and rationally debunking each lie that some Wayland detractor flavor-of-the-week is touting to tow the party line, but it didn’t work. So my new approach is “frick you”. None of the Wayland detractors have a clue. They don’t understand Wayland, they don’t understand X11, they don’t understand Linux graphics or OpenGL or Vulkan or anything else in the stack. They don’t even understand what it’s like to use Wayland, because at most they might have spent 5 minutes installing it, realized that something was — gasp — different than X11, and then uninstalled it and wrote their angry Reddit comment.

It has a real cost, you know, being a peepee to maintainers. It’s not good for our mental health. We’re out here trying to make things better. Wayland fixes unfixable problems with X11, and might have invented some new, fixable problems in the process — most of which have been fricking fixed already, and years ago! We’ve sacrificed our spare time to build this for you for free. If you turn around and harass us based on some utterly nonsensical conspiracy theories, then you’re a fricking butthole.

If you really want to live in your propagandized world of Wayland lies, then fine. You’re gonna maintain Xorg yourself, because we’re not going to volunteer our time, sacrifice our weekends and evenings staying up late for your sake, just to maintain that broken pile of shit. You know what, if you fork it and prove that you know what you’re doing for a while, we’d probably just give you the keys to upstream so you can maintain it yourself. If you do know what you’re doing, though, you’ll soon realize you want nothing to do with that shitty codebase.

Wayland works for almost everyone, and works for more people than is even possible with X11. Most of the lies you’ve heard about ways that it’s broken are just that: lies. And if you insist on living in that fantasy, then keep it to yourself, butthole.

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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him.

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cool pasta but this shit should have been added 10 years ago. Wayland is not some brand new software, it has had plenty of time for refining and yet it seems perpetually in beta. "laptop with small 1080p screen" is not some rare niche usecase.

I will say xwayland sucking has a nice effect that it seems to convince people things are rendering correctly when rendered in Wayland, when actually they are simply no longer as wrong. Leaving that issue unfixed is probably in the Wayland maintainers' best interests.

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Wayland does have some big benefits. It fixes the total lack of isolation from Xorg (significant security improvement) and it also allows you to never again touch xorg.conf which is the most irritating config file known to man.

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What OS does fractional scaling? Isn't macOS best suited for it with their "points" system (even then every macOS user swears by "2x retina" or some shit now)?

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in windows it sometimes works depending on the gui toolkit in use, most guis are correct while a few have blurry text. At the very least, a fullscreen app is allowed to render itself correctly.

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So this is a mess everywhere, can you just get a better monitor? :marseypoor: ?

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it's about as good as it could be in windows, can't expect every binary from 1995 to know how to scale itself properly. Windows even sets the settings for you when you install it. You can get a different monitor but the issue is laptops, something like a small 1080p or slightly bigger 1440p screen is super common and will not look good at 1x nor 2x scale.

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Why would you expect an "old" Qt or GTK app to do the same? Especially Qt, when they lag behind Wayland stuff.

While I'm behind the Wayland train I don't think it was ever the best it could be. Based on how I saw it happen at the time it was a reaction from (((RH))) when Canonical invested in Mir for Unity8. Seemed like they astroturfed support into opposing more Ubuntu "NIH syndrome" even though - (((RH))) does it all the time with more ""community"" white washing.

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Qt itself actually already supports it, is the thing. If you set screen dpi in the xresources Xft.dpi, many gui toolkits including Qt and GTK will properly scale themselves in all aspects not just fonts (r-slurred ultrahack but that's X). They will also apparently do it if certain environment variables are set. Wayland isn't able to take advantage of this so they get fractionally scaled the same way dumb non-aware apps would be scaled: rendered 2x (wayland does support integer scales at least) and then linearly downscaled to the desired size. XWayland can't even get that right, in xwayland the apps are rendered at 1x and then upscaled which is god-awful.

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I'll switch when all of the neurotic GNOME/freedesktop/Rust/Wayland/snapd :!marseytrain:s who are determined to turn it into some kind of crippled walled garden in the name of safety and inclusion die off. I am not a poor freetard with unlimited time. If I wanted my computer to treat me like a moron, I would just buy a mac.

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install opensuse

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use alpine for maximum autism.

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unironically the M1 macs are fantastic.

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People say this every time, and then they have to actually use Linux. NOOO GUYS IT'S TOTALLY THE YEAR OF THE LINUX DESKTOP!!!!


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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It will never be the year of the Linux desktop, amen—even if my comment was typed with (((linux hands))).

Like, I'm much more satisfied with it than I was with Windows, the stability the vast majority of the time is much better than I remember Win being (though tbf that was a decade ago), and I personally like the system architecture. But no normal user cares about that, and the ~yearly occurrence of something spontaneously breaking in a non-standard way would be impossible for them to fix, whereas Win will Just Work.

Reminder to all devs that only a few percentage points of the global population is functionally numerate at a basic level, and even rarer still is something like basic technical proficiency. And of those who are, most of them have better shit to do than manage their OS. Numbers from the US (and despite burger jokes, these are on par with the rest of Europe, though lower than certain subpopulations of East Asia):


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though lower than certain subpopulations of East Asia


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Using PISA numbers to compare between countries, the top level (equiv to U.S. DOE NALS Level 5 in my chart) is consistently 2–6% in Euro countries and their colonial diaspora—N.B. the Iberian diaspora, like Brazil and Argentina, at <1% cannot into Yoorup.

And then there's East Asia. Japan—8%. Macao—8%. Hong Kong—12%. Korea—12%. Taiwan—18%. Singapore—19%. Shanghai—31%. Even Vietnam reaches 4%. China proper excluded because they famously and verifiably fudge their numbers on PISA (which might also explain Shanghai, but it's a highly selected population anyway).

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I am not level 5 because I make all the calculation in my head. :marseybigbrain:

Honestly tho this map very well to my current belief that most people aren't really people, they are just very advanced chatbots. :marseyhomofascist:

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Yeah, I've been wondering about something similar recently, the idea that smarter people are more "alive" in a way; similar to how we would say a human is more alive than a cow, a cow more alive than a chicken, a chicken more alive than an ant, an ant more alive than a lobster, a lobster more alive than a bacterium which is more alive than a rock.

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Lobsters are smarter than ants. Insects are just specialised crustaceans anyway.

But yes. Intelligence is the only worthwhile way to determine peoplehood. It is evident that aliens that are as smart as us are people, but cows are not, because of this intelligence. We all agree that downies are less than regular people for the same exact reason. :marseyhomofascist:

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Lobsters are smarter than ants

Wrong. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_by_number_of_neurons

Using number of neurons as a proxy for brain complexity Lobsters have 100,000 while ants have 250,000 so 2.5x. Lobsters are really really simple neurologically. It's actually related to how Peterson became known as Lobster Daddy; he was making a point about the similarity of our neural wiring to that of other animals and so animal studies can provide insight into human functioning, noting that antidepressants meant for humans even worked on Lobsters whose connectome is simpler than mere ants.

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Fascinating. I had no idea that ants were so smart. Thx. :marseyhomofascist:

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POV you forgot to get some sleep and now suffer with insomnia

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Does it Just Work? The only OSes with that moniker are the dumbed down iOS & Android.

Because desktops break in unusual ways the ability to dmesg is way more useful to me than opaque blue screens.

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I agree about all the technical aspects, but the key phrase here is "to [you]"—and 99% of the population thinks cmd is malware or "for hacking". They want a system that at least turns on and mostly works until it gets bad enough they have someone else fix it or until they buy a new one. They seem to get a very long time out of an XP, 7, or 10 install before getting to that stage. Windows definitely sucks to debug, especially for hardware/firmware issues, but it doesn't matter much in practice. Same reason most people take their cars to the dealers for repairs: mechanically-inclined people complain plenty about how the ECU is hard to DIY, but they're not the primary customer.

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That is an argument for macOS more so than Windows.

The only reasons Windows is still around is it can run x86 Win32 apps from two decades ago and it has Active Directory. (I'd say due to Office but those suites are commodity now).

It seems Windows continues in spite of Microsoft's moves - like Win11. Stuff like this makes no sense for a company that has found Azure is a way better money maker.

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I dual boot right now, mostly use Windows for games because it's a lot more straightforward. Gaming on Linux has come a long way in the past five years or so though. I think I could make the full time switch if I wanted to.

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I actually did go fully to Linux because of windows though

Best decision I ever made :ragemask:

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The year of the Linux desktop will never arrive until GNOME and Ubuntu devs have been beheaded allahu ackbar

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Windows 7 was the best, only use windows for vidya games

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It was good, xp was the best

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Zoomer moment

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Boomer moment maybe... zoomer?

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Only zoomers would put xp on a pedestal. Nostalgic, sure. Aesthetic, yea. Would i personally like to use a working version of it? Possibly.

A good OS? Not really. Not even by windows standards. Its only in the top three because MS keeps pooping the bed every few years, and it "just worked" given the context of its time.

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It plays my exile 2 crystal souls just fine in a virtual box, and its the only thing that does

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Didn't they specifically promise that 10 would "never be" EoL'd at some point?

Maybe I'd consider upgrading if they merged everything into a single settings app but from what I've read you still have to dig up the goddarned control panel to mess with certain things

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Yes, Win10 was supposed to be the "last" version of Windows, as it would just keep getting upgraded

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i think the issue is that apple decided to make theirs go up to 11 and Microsoft couldn't cope with not having as much number

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Yeah at one point they claimed Windows 10 would be the "last" major version and it would just get continuous updates. Guess they decided that wouldn't make them as much money lmao.

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They technically never claimed that - one guy somewhat associated with Microsoft said it in a more ambiguous way, and tech journos ran with it, but funny enough nobody official really corrected it for years.

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Then they will need to relax the hardare requirements of windows 11

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Why, poor?

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yes, extremely

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They need to slow the frick down with all these OS updates and just stick to one for a while, there's a reason why people stuck with XP for so long.

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Exactly, I’m sure all he boomers want to use a command line to check their fricking email

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