
is there any low the nanny state will not stoop to

Reported by:
  • Aisha : Banned. Push this slut.





From this blog post it seems that it's only for "Indian English accents" :marseysmug:

Accent Localization: localizes Indian English accents so that US-based customers hear US-neutral accents. This is done so that there is no perceived delay during the call and agents sound natural in their speech, tones and pitch.

Old Gam-Gam off put by that "exotic" sounding man on the phone?? Well no longer, you can kiss your inheritance goodbye forever.

Well that call about your car insurance sounds american so you don't hang up immediately, until you've wasted 20 minutes and realize the call is coming from Bangalore.

Reactions from a rightoid Twitter account, there is probably some drama here idk

This is kinda a loss all around I think. Because at the very least Indian scam call workers had a motivation to improve their English and all that but what's gonna be the point now??

every single person who works at google should kill themselves



and Figuratively

If you work at Google, you should commit suicide.

Reported by:
Lol. Lmao even.


Reported by:
  • Aisha : Banned. Jurassicposting.

Kolektiva is an anti-colonial anarchist collective that offers federated social media to anarchist collectives and individuals in the fediverse. For the social movements and liberation!

In mid-May 2023, the home of one of's admins was raided, and all their electronics were seized by the FBI. The raid was part of an investigation into a local protest. Kolektiva was neither a subject nor target of this investigation. Today, that admin was charged in relation to their alleged participation in this protest.

Unfortunately, at the time of the raid, our admin was troubleshooting an issue and working with a backup copy of the database. This backup, dated from the first week of May 2023, was in an unencrypted state when the raid occurred and it was seized, along with everything else.

The database is the heart of a Mastodon server. A database copy such as the one seized may include any of the following user data, in this case up to date as of early May 2023:

  • User account information like the e-mail address associated with your account, your followers and follows, etc.
  • All your posts: public, unlisted, followers-only, and direct ("DMs").
  • Possibly IP addresses associated with your account - IP addresses on are logged for 3 days and then deleted, so IP addresses from any logins in the 3 days prior to the database backup date would be included.
  • A hashed ("encrypted") version of your password.

Orange Site discussion (mostly debating what anarchism actually means)


orange sight:

ChatGPT goes crazy, tries to kill a user :marseyxd: :marseysweating: :marseysnappyenraged2:

Apparently other users were able to replicate this behavior


(Copilot is ChatGPT AFAIK)

Reported by:
  • PolPotEnjoyer : It's only bad because he didn't talk about banning all AI

Some wrongthink in the dead comments:

how do these assclowns never learn to not trust the government?

by "somecompanyguy", who has an important message in his bio

I mean seriously? guy takes a massive lead - steals data, and then proposes a license moat? come on. Fu*k this guy.

by "3327", who doesn't know he's shadowbanned

Sam Altman CEO of OpenAI cries Wolf to Senate panel, decides to play on the fear narrative (which politicians take hook, line and sinker) - - to call for licensing and regulation - - which only benefits major players, of course which huge pockets to bribe politicians even more.

Classic play to elbow out upstart small competitors . . . .

by "stevespang", who doesn't know he's shadowbanned

If safety standards is the r-slurred political correctness filter of chatGPT this will only lead to bad consequences

by "davidguetta", who doesn't know he's shadowbanned

I'm starting to think that OpenAI is a new Facebook, and their CEO is a dangerous butthole

by "ConanRus", who...

Reported by:

kek first comment I see


You can say no. They won't hire you.

Why not?



Relatively fresh so comments are trickling in as posts fight to be "the post"

orange site 1

orange site 2

r/technology 1

r/technology 2

Official Zuck Post



Basically threads are great drama if someone with an account makes screenshots, but shit if you don't have anybody with an account who can make screenshots, so I got a couple of the admins to agree to pay a bonus to people who post blind screenshots in blind threads.

@Aevann please don't ban me for posting groomercord screenshots :marseyklennyheart:

/h/slackernews mods it would be nice if you could sticky this thread.

EDIT: Oops I didn't post this in /h/slackernews lol. Jannies pls move :marseyklennyheart:

Remember Paypals draconian $2,500 fee for anything they don't like? It's back!
Bald Linux Man Convicted :marseycry:


At both the Tweet level and the account level, we will remove any free promotion of prohibited 3rd-party social media platforms, such as linking out (i.e. using URLs) to any of the below platforms on Twitter, or providing your handle without a URL:

Prohibited platforms:

  • Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Truth Social, Tribel, Post and Nostr

What the frick is this guy smoking? :marseyxd:

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