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What kind of mines are they using that they can be carried by a bird with ease?
the crows are building their own mines
You'd know all about this
I'm even willing to guess that if there's one person that taught birds how to make explosives, it was you
idk how to make explosives but my frind dois s
butterfly type mines weigh like 4 oz they dont usually kill just incapacitate
Darn that's unfortunate
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What kind of mines are they using that they can be carried by a bird with ease?
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the crows are building their own mines
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You'd know all about this
I'm even willing to guess that if there's one person that taught birds how to make explosives, it was you
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idk how to make explosives but my frind dois s
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butterfly type mines weigh like 4 oz they dont usually kill just incapacitate
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Darn that's unfortunate
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