The "Havre" Rosguard pilot went on holiday to the UAE and surrendered to the US Embassy

russian dont want to fight cope needs need continue, and but somehow after over a year they still bad at larp writing, russian military, police and glowies personal cant travel to “unfriendly” countries since 2014, and the like only countries they can go is belarus and cuba so a russian pilot in uae ??? like come one… and of course the story came from reddit, what a unexpected turn of events

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A lieutenant with a dozen or so soldiers are just walked to the other side and surrendered a few days ago.

russian dont want to fight cope needs need continue, and but somehow after over a year they still bad at larp writing, russian military, police and glowies personal cant travel to “unfriendly” countries since 2014

This just just simply not true. I'm genuienly starting to think you are just a chatbot who makes up stuff randomly. (The story could still be fake, will believe when there are sources)

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a pilot have same rules of going aboard as fsb agent: and thats the tea, sis

В каких случаях может выехать за границу работник ФСБ

До окончания службы в комитете госбезопасности действует запрет на пересечение границы РФ. 16 декабря 2019 года вступили в силу изменения в ФЗ-114, касающиеся сотрудников ФСБ. Теперь запрет на выезд для них действует в течение 5 лет после увольнения с государственной службы. Новость была опубликована на официальном портале правовой информации

Источник: >

they are basically in category of


was you that interested in getting your losing streak back, that you started arguing about this topic that you ware obviously getting a l ???

A lieutenant with a dozen or so soldiers are just walked to the other side and surrendered a few days ago.

um the funnies thing about that video was that the russian were the first that published it but its not the point right now lets assume its correct, and uae has no boarders with russia or ukraine to “just walked to the other side”

china also has similar rules where barely literally any gov workers cant go to not friendly countries for vacation

@PatriceOneal your friend owned me hard huh ? :surejan:

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So they need to ask for permission, which they can get. UAE, Turkey and other middle eastern countries aren't considered unfriendly states and are filled with russian tourists.

Also the source you provided speaks nothing about military pilots being unable to travel.

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ok so they are considered friendly, that story is already proven to be fake since no major news reported it, and and a pilot will get a no literally every single time if he ask permission during war time where he takes part of, and russian tourist dont mean soldiers, and russia has 140 millions and around 5-10 millions are some way connected with gov classified info, pilots are always part of it

if you take part of military special operation as officer you automatically get gov secret information that something logical that dont need explicit statement

like only like 2 countries are classified as friendly, belarus and cuba

So it's obviously a fake story and you now creating what if stories :marseyclapping:

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Not unfriendly!=friendly.

around 5-10 millions are some way connected with gov classified info, pilots are always part of it

Again, source?

so it's obviously a fake story and you now creating what if stories

Neighbor you posted it, take your medicine you have become more unhinged lately.:marseyxd:

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Neighbor you posted it, take your medicine you have become more unhinged lately.

i told its fake reddit story and thats the tea, sis

so whats your point ???

Not unfriendly!=friendly.

im literally screaming, thats not how things work not unfriendly = neutral

I am legit more noble than you, I accepted yesterday I was wrong about Poland. Yet you here keep digging your grave about story that is literally fake and I pointed why its fake. That's why Hungary has no future, because you can't admit being wrong :marseythumbsup:

Again, source?

like how stupid must you be to think a pilot who is automatically an officer dont deal literally every day with classified information ??? and thats the tea, sis

i feel like my 5-10 million numbers is like just a estimation since russia has around 1 million policeman, around 1 million laws neighbors, prison system (they are not included totally into police) then literally all sort of other glowies and 2 million army workers and absolutely majority of them daily deal with classified info

like i told you before laws is interpretation art so it doesnt need to be written explicit in the code that pilot cant travel outside of russia, and him being connected to classified intel is enough to ban him

literally, so take the l, today wasnt your day

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yet you here keep digging your grave about story that is literally fake and i pointed why its fake.

Reread my first comment

i feel like my 5-10 million numbers is like just a estimation since russia has around 1 million policeman, around 1 million laws neighbors, prison system (they are not included totally into police) then literally all sort of other glowies and 2 million army workers and absolutely majority of them daily deal with classified info like i told you before laws is interpretation art so it doesnt need to be written explicit in the code that pilot cant travel outside of russia, and him being connected to classified intel is enough to ban him literally, so take the l, today wasnt your day


Source: I made it up lmao :#marseylaptopangry:

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A lieutenant with a dozen or so soldiers are just walked to the other side and surrendered a few days ago.

russian dont want to fight cope needs need continue, and but somehow after over a year they still bad at larp writing, russian military, police and glowies personal cant travel to “unfriendly” countries since 2014

This just just simply not true. I'm genuienly starting to think you are just a chatbot who makes up stuff randomly. (The story could still be fake, will believe when there are sources)

this is your first comment but go off

um you start with a argument that has nothing to do with the post because its set in ukraine and not in far away country

Then your second argument is that my argument is not true because you feel like it and accusing me of creating stuff :marseyclapping::marseythumbsup:

you are an idiot and thats the tea, sis

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Again you said nothing that contradicts my point, reread that comment.


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you lost today, you tried to prove that a fake story is real

Source: I made it up lmao

im literally screaming, constructive thinking is not made up, you probably would had understood it if you had law classes at university

so literally every army pilot in literally every country need top lvl security clearance because they work with sensitive intel yet somehow by your logic pilots dont fall on law about sensitive intel (гостаина) ???

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Source: I made it up lmao :#marseylaptopangry: 2x

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I completely believe these stories of mass surrenders despite Ukraine not posting evidence of them.

And you totally arent an imbecile for believing them!

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