I also checked Russian internal media and there is 0 mentions of that event. Ukrainian internal media pushing that news fast to the side and I expect zero mention by the end of the day
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Factcheck: This claim hurts trans lives.
This post was reviewed by an independent team of fact checkers.
I fact checked no trans on the jet
That's exactly why this claim hurts trans lives.
Why aren't there more heckin' cute and valids in the Ukrainian army?
They only have one token that serves as a propaganda mouthpiece with no combat role.
Pro khohol on Twitter are still celebrating death of 65 people
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Factcheck: This claim hurts trans lives.
This post was reviewed by an independent team of fact checkers.
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I fact checked no trans on the jet
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That's exactly why this claim hurts trans lives.
Why aren't there more heckin' cute and valids in the Ukrainian army?
They only have one token that serves as a propaganda mouthpiece with no combat role.
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Pro khohol on Twitter are still celebrating death of 65 people
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