Khohol foid mad at polish pieprzony gnojek :chad:

He perdoled her hard that she had to make this video kek

My bad, I forgot that text is in Polska not English let.

She says she went to a date with polish guy (she is obviously refugee) and he didn't paid for her and she feels so bad about it and is very ashamed especially when waiters asked if they pay separate and guy told yeah, she felt like she can't go on date without a guy paying for her :soycry:

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She wasn't a b-word about it or anything, she just feels uncomfortable with cultural norms she is unused to. I find it a bit uncomfortable when a girl won't let me pay and I grew up here. Why do you have to be such an incel about it?

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Those cultural norms are everywhere the same, it's calling growing up. A guy in his 30 ain't going to pay for a foid in her 30 in any country since guys went through many dates that was just waste not only time but money

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