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Ukraine is the fastest depopulating country in the world.


Ukraine's population went down 5.8 million in 11 years.

Ukraine's population has declined by 27% from its peak.

It is pretty much guaranteed that the population of Ukraine will fall even further in the years ahead as we cannot expect anybody to be actively willing to return home unless they are deported, and for everybody to wish to leave Ukraine if the war ever ends, or for the population to keep declining if the war keeps going on.

In the long run, win or lose, Ukraine's population is guaranteed to disappear.

One can expect the entirety of Ukraine to become a militarized zone without a civilian population as there is nobody willing to move there and there will never be enough births for the population of the region to go up.



The lowest estimates suggest that Ukraine's population is already down to 37 million.

The higher end count is 41 million.


Ukraine will win the war but it has no future.

Ukraine today has far fewer births than even South Korea, with a comparatively similar population size.

Population collapse is guaranteed to destroy Ukraine. There is no next generation for Ukraine. All they can do is to move to the European Union.

European Union's population is going to keep increasing till 2050 with the influx of Ukrainians moving into the EU over the coming years.

All the previous predictions and numbers about decline in EU population are now wrong.

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:marseythinkorino: so you're saying there's :marseyflagukraine: foids with 0 standards desperate for visa to a non shithole?

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Eurocucks decided to betabuxx pour ma khohols foids.

They are getting neetbuxx, free education and etc in EU and if this conflict last 2 more years they wil start receiving citizenship.

This event will be remembered by historian as the great European foidflation when one day poor foids became rich chad only.

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:marseydepressed: blackpilled again

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To be even more technically correct we have to remember Ukraine average age is 45 and they marry on average at 25


Have their child at that age and fertility rate in Ukraine is relative low and from over 8 million Ukrainian refugees only 1.3 million are children. So we got a lot of post wall foids that are now getting their ego boosted with betabuxx. In other words we got more foids in group that is already over represented like if you want a post wall + a single mom that's easy to get even without those hohols. So there is more supply of those than demands. Since Ukraine is also corrupt it will mean many good looking khohols girls dated richer guys in Kiev than rich guys in Berlin.

Also European men are too stupid to date khohol foids. Khohol foids are direct they will ask men to pay for X. European man will tell no. Arab will tell tomorrow so you see way more khohols foids with Arabs than European men :marseyxd: Arab men are feeding them with unending tomorrow

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