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Court of Zelensky rocked by aide's ‘thirst for power'Senior officials in Ukraine are increasingly alarmed at the president's reliance on Andriy ­Yermak, his chief of staff | the times


That Yermak was the most powerful man in Ukraine was known like forever


Times included him in most powerful people list but didn't included Zelenskyy

Then in 2021



This was posted by an western media

At a Nato airbase in Belgium, President Zelensky celebrated his greatest achievement by greeting five of Ukraine's new F-16 pilots. Looming over his shoulder, carefully positioned for the cameras last week, appeared the man who represents his greatest flaw.

But here is the problem. Again media tries to whitewash Zelenskyy and say it's all Yermak fault

As Zelensky's first elected term drew to a close, senior government, military, law enforcement and diplomatic sources, many of whom requested anonymity, expressed alarm at his growing dependence on Andriy ­Yermak, his chief of staff, who is ­accused of amassing personal power and usurping democratic processes.

Like how can dependence grow if Yermak was the one who basically elected Zelenskyy and Zelenskyy was listening to him before he became a president ?

Some sources went so far as to describe him as the “de facto head of state” or “Ukraine's vice-president” in a series of interviews.


Diplomatic sources complained that he exercised complete control over ­access to the president, with G7 ambassadors who hoped for an audience presented with Yermak instead.

As “the times” pointed he is the most important man in khoholstan

from Yermak's direct but efficient management style, pointing to his success in initiatives that include corralling international partners into a peace summit in Switzerland next week.

Legendary peace summit that is already a failure before it started :marseywholesome:

Military officials, meanwhile, have accused Yermak, 52, of keeping General Valery Zaluzhny away from the president, and eventually orchestrating his dismissal as head of the armed forces in February. Yermak, they claim, considered Zaluzhny a rival to his authority.


Government insiders also blamed Yermak for the sacking of the deputy prime minister, Oleksandr Kubrakov, last month after he reported efforts by MPs in Zelensky's party to bribe him.


Imagine coming to the guy who tried to bribe you and telling that guy that his men tried to bribe you :marseybrainlet:

Both the general and the deputy prime minister, who was in charge of Ukraine's infrastructure, were widely respected for their integrity, competence and independence.

Mb that's was their fault ?

“Despite all the requests from international partners, Tatarov is still in charge of law enforcement reform, which is insane,” said Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of the Anti-Corruption Action Centre.

She noted Tatarov was investigated for bribery, adding: “Instead of dismissing him, the office of the president instructed new prosecutors to take over his case, and they closed it.”

Yermak uses Tatarov to ensure loyalty from officers in the criminal justice system, according to a senior law enforcement official.

They then gave more example of corruption and never blamed Zelenskyy :surejan: because it's all someone else fault like Yermak or Reznikov or Tatarov or Biden

Corruption has increasingly become a source of friction between the White House and Kyiv. Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, said during his visit to Ukraine last month that Kyiv should make “sure that the fight against corruption continues at home just as the fight against Russia's aggression continues on the front lines”.

Well Ukraine has a lot greater chance beating Russia than Corruption, Zelenskyy has greater chances taking over White House and the world that corruption being defeated in Ukraine.

Last year the National Agency on Corruption Prevention found Tymoshenko had been driving a Porsche Taycan and staying free in a luxury resort, as well as abusing his power to allow subordinates to travel abroad in violation of the country's mobilisation laws. It further found he had presented forged documents aimed at concealing the offences, raising questions on how he had been given such a serious role in national security.

>Porsche Taycan

Cost like only 150k buxx neighbor is very humble

The Kremlin has sought to seize on Yermak's increased influence, allegations of corruption and the expiry of Zelensky's term of office to produce false propaganda, claiming Ukraine has become an autocracy.



So whole article points on corruption inside Ukraine and some cases even I didn't knew, blame everything on Yermak and say Yermak has huge influence on Zelenskyy then do a 540 and call it all Russian propaganda


“There are no sane Ukrainian politicians who are questioning his presidential or parliamentary legitimacy. There is no safe way to hold an election

There is very safe way to hold an election. There are id card identified apps for example Ukrainian mobilisation app is like this. If gov send a message to you through this app it's consider official one. So when guys receive mobilisation invitation and don't come to mobilisation location, they can be jailed. This app can easily be used for voting but why would they do it if people start asking Zaluzhnyy to take part of the election and then wins against Zelenskyy ?


Even the president's most strident critics say there is still time for him to change course. “We have seen Zelensky to be quite a different president depending on who his chief of staff is,” Kaleniuk said. “His big mistake has been to entrust so much authority to Yermak, who is clearly intoxicated with power.”

This pretty much sums the message. People wants to chop Zelenskyy head because without head it will be a lot easier to get rid of Zelenskyy

Friendship in politics :marseythumbsup:

Reality he is the most adequate person in Zelenskyy team, getting rid of him is GG for Zelenskyy team

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>ex soviet :marseytrotsky: country :marseyukraineflag: is corrupt, but because it's a country :marseycatgirl5: Sal doesnt like, this is for some reason news that eveyrone must pretend that this is newsworthy

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Ain't you like pro Ukrainian ? So with this comment you basically trying to silence me since I show the hypocrisy ?

Fun will be if rumours about EU will lower requirements for Ukraine to join EU would be confirmed

Edit: seems the rumours are confirmed



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That's great! Hopefully the admission process fixes a lot of their corruption problems, the EU will help them with that, and i hope in the meantime they get a shitload more weapons :marseytf2heavy:

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How long do you live in EU ?

Also there won't be much more weapons from EU, EU basically dumped 70-80% of their artillery on Ukraine

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since i was born https://media.giphy.com/media/1lX5ad165fyM0/giphy.webp

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I assume you are in your 30 so you can compare the life before and now. I doubt you'll consider today is better in Italy than in 2006. My economics historical books from 2000 telling how by 2020 Spain will be super power or how Italy will be as strong as Germany in 2020. Adding Ukraine to EU will just pushes EU continue slipping downwards

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im not even 25 but italy's problems are entirely and completely italy's own fault. Im gonna :marseyvenn6: go vote tomorrow but this election :marseyridin: season :marseyautumn2: has been absurdly embarrassing.

And speaking :marseyhearnoevil: of whether it's better :marseygenetakovic: or worse, i think :marseynooticeglow: italy :marseygodfather: is a perfect :marseychefkiss: example of stagnation, but its major :marseygaygeneral: problems are very much the same as many other developed countries- a seriously :marseybruh2: aging population.

Being in the EU has been the one saving grace, allowing italians to travel :marseysherpa: and work in the EU lol

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Being in the EU has been the one saving grace, allowing italians to travel :marseysherpa: and work in the EU

This is double edged sword, I remember visiting Brussel and its population is like 10% Italian from Sicily. If they stayed they could had build better Italy.

And since you saying old population is the problem. Ukrainian population is on average 45 year old and from 8 million or so refugees only 1.3 million were younger than 18 so Europe just imported more already western minded not very young women who now will get netbuxx and have even less interest making babies or dating someone who earns less than 5-10k euro cash a month.

The only useful Ukrainian soil is also now mostly under Russian and now there is no way to kick them out, west played all the cards except directly fighting Russia so plan for Ukraine failed.

If the politicians were smart they would had given Putin the territory under his control in 2016. Back then most of Donbas oil and Ukrainian soil wasn't under Putin control.

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Your only metric for how "good" a European country is is how easy it is to grooft the welfare system and if the police (rightfully) profile African refugees like yourself or not

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