:marseyhappening:Holy fffffrick Ukraine released Zelenskyy peace talk trailer :marseyhappening:

It even had teasers like this:

The Russians will do everything to ensure that there are as few leaders as possible at the Peace Summit.

They will do everything to gain legitimacy

There was no summit.

The vile Russians banned world leaders from coming to the mega-forum. It's not us who screwed up. It's them.

Ukraine invited 180 countries but only 78 told they will send some one. (By someone for example Australia send some pension minister and not a global pension but some ultra niche shit don't remember, US will send Kamala because Biden wants to warm his heart by staring at George Clooney)

From 78 countries 42 are European. China, Pakistan, SA, Brazil, Saudis and etc

But for Saudis Zelenskyy had a surprise, he unannounced visited them :marseythumbsup:

But what's important, Zelenskyy had to remove like at least 3 out of his 10 demands because many countries told they won't visit him if he doesn't remove those


6. Withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities

1. Radiation and nuclear safety (withdrawal Russian soldiers from NPP)

7. Justice (Russia to pay for Ukrainian reconstruction)

So 3 most important points got removed :marseythumbsup:

4. Release of all prisoners and deportees

Ukraine proposes the release of prisoners – “all for all”, and the release of all children and adults who were illegally deported to Russia.

This one also won't happen because Russia despite of Ukrainian epicly winning with KD of 15+, Russian have a lot more Ukrainian pows captive than the other way. So it doesn't make any sense for them to even agree on this.

Anyway a trailer for l'epic peace talk without other side of the conflict

2024 iq baby


Like why was I even surprised if Ukraine release trailers of every action they do, so shouldn't be surprised if tomorrow they release trailer “Fart” and show Zelenskyy is about to fart soon

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I legitimately don't understand what's going through his mind. Aren't powerful people concerned about their legacy? Do you really want "r-slurred" to be the subtext of your entire reign?

This trailer slop is for NAFO boomers (seriously, it's all old people) who are treating this entire tragic meatgrinder like a spectacle. It's cringe, but the target audience finds it very hype. It's pathetic that something so serious is filmed like a movie.

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I mean hes kinda in it for the long hall now. Either live as The Last Ukrainian Hero(tm) or surrender and be the guy who sold out his country (whats left) and his people (whats left)? He is grasping at straws because the alternative legacy is worse.

Aside I started reading this post and something about the ESL style of speech made me go :marseysquint: and lo and behold its this fricking slavshill posting again.

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Thing is now most Ukrainian want it just to end. Only 2% men that were on new mobilisation enlisted came to enlistment offices, other are hiding.

You also making sound Zelenskyy much better than he is. Dude was the most corrupt European leader in 2021


He also got rid of Zaluzhnyy


Zelenskyy already bought his retirement house Miami. He just has no reason to give up since he is making money and if he gives up the extremes one who are screaming fight to Moscow while chilling in Kiev. Will kill him.

So no bs as legacy just pragmatism

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What's going to happen is that The Ukraine will end up absolutely depopulated as all their young women have left, aren't coming back, and the young men are in the process of being chewed up. Their birthrates are already low and the population pyramid inverted, this added on top with a braindrain and economic collapse will be a deathblow. The Ukraine being financially dependent on the west will make it susceptible to experiments, and the west won't be able to help itself and they'll absolutely flood the farmlands with young Indian and SEA migrants for economic reasons, and start carting off the illegal refugees from Africa western europe will never admit they don't actually want.

Ukrainian Veterans will see the demographic death of their country they just fought for, and all those veterans will flood west and become the catalyist for an absolute wave of far right terrorism.

People have called me a Russian shill for predicting this but I don't see it really going any other way. Each domino falling leads to the next.

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the west won't be able to help itself and they'll absolutely flood the farmlands with young Indian and SEA migrants for economic reasons, and start carting off the illegal refugees from Africa western europe will never admit they don't actually want.

lmao it's funny to imagine RU completely failing at the war they started only for Ukraine to join NATO, importing a bunch of foreigners replacing RU's closest kin, because they killed them all in a reckless poorly planned war, + creating a dangerous economically vulnerable neighbour (aka extremist terrorism hotzone)

and on top of that RU lost 500k males while facing their own population crisis, destroyed any long term economic growth potential because their only real trade partner left is China, and embarassed their defense industry (4th biggest industry) because S400 etc turned out to be useless

:marseyrussianmutt: will still call this a victory when they concede to only taking slightly more of Donetsk in exchange for 75% of their massive soviet military stockpile they will never get back

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and the west won't be able to help itself and they'll absolutely flood the farmlands with young Indian and SEA migrants for economic reasons, and start carting off the illegal refugees from Africa western europe will never admit they don't desire.

As you know nafos and co are mostly boomers (they even did their own polls) I find it hilarious that they think they will fix Ukraine when they fricked EU.

But thing is even without this conflict Ukraine was heading to the same fate, they just turbo pushed it in that direction.

But I am pretty sure west is pushing Ukrainian to fight for this:


The elite basically bought Ukrainian soil in Donbas and now wants to get hold of it.

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I don't really believe the stuff about mass natural resource reserves and it all being about muh natural gas. I know they've discovered natural gas but Ukraine was just known as being blessed as farmland, not really other things. This rhetoric seems to follow every modern war ever. But I haven't really read into it :marseyshrug:

I do know that contracts for businesses involving what I'm talking about have already been made and signed by western corporations, and there's already been a scramble for Ukraine now the price is cheap and Beg Daddy is going around asking for money.

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tfw so r-slurred people think I'm ESL


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Oh no no bb i meant OP ur gucci

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He'll be dead unless he gets foreign protection if he gives up stuff to Russia, Right sector would get him. That's why peace stalled before

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Well he is an actor :marseyezramiller: so... :marseyshrug:

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Aren't powerful people concerned about their legacy?

I doubt today many care about stuff like this. I mean Biden had a very solid legacy before presidency. But now he will be remembered as zombie president

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