"For the USA, Ukraine's victory consists in preserving its independence, no one talks about the borders of 1991. The West does not want the disintegration and defeat of Russia", - Zelensky



@Arestovitch is a bae

And things only get better


"Strong armies," warned Sergii Marchenko, Ukraine's finance minister, on June 17th, "must be underpinned by strong economies."

The guy is smart :surejan:

>good basketballer need to be tall and athletic


announced on June 13th, to use Russian central-bank assets frozen in Western financial institutions to lend another $50bn.


They looking legal way to punish Hungary for not wanting to commit an illegal shit :marseyxd: like there is just no legal way to take Russian money. Russia didn't signed any contract letting EU take Russian money and giving it to someone else and if bank had such contract nobody would had used those banks and banks are build on trust. Best part US ain't going to touch Russian assets because US ain't r-slur so it send EU to commit and banking suicide.

People also don't understand Russia is poorer than EU that automatically would mean EU has more investment in Russia than the other way and Russia will easily gets its money worth back + not getting any rep damage.

If EU legit takes the frozen assets, EU will be send to even greater lost decade

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