The Ukrainian army lost six villages and more than 40 square kilometers over the past week. Does anybody have an idea how Kyiv will slow down this pace of losing the country to the Russians? :soycry: /Julian Jihad

Update: it's now at least 7

But don't worry

Ukraine in February got 54 billion to stabilise the front and win in Avdiivka

Blamed US for fall of avdiivka

But don't worry

Ukraine in April Ukraine got 60 billion to stabilise the from

(The long range ATACMS Ukraine started using in Feb so as you see missile weaker than Korean iskander in every dimension is an true game changer)

But don't worry

Ukraine at least got on average 1 billion from every western country this year and multiple times to stabilise the front.

Those aids are just like PlayStation updates, non stop stability upgrade

But I know pro Ukrainian need some copes

100 Ukrainian fought against 120k Russian soldiers on 200ft x 1000ft :marseythumbsup:

Russia threw huge numbers at Krynky, but the "front line" remained largely static for months despite losses on both sides. Russian casualties reportedly included a large number of elite units like airborne troops or marines.

Yeah of course Russian lost the most elite after all khohols basically admitting losing 1000+ soldiers there without mentioning those are the marines that were hand picked to complete training in UK and US :marseyxd:

Russian forces used a variety of tactics in their offensive operations against Ukrainian positions, including human waves and the use of prohibited chemical weapons.

Of course they didn't mentioned that Russian were mostly just droning them, fabing them and using artillery, like why mention this if you can mention HUMAN WAVES and PROHIBITED weapons :marseyxd:

If not human waves Ukraine 100% would had won even tho no human waves were used :marseythumbsup:

In February Putin told this:

So Russian let those marines walk into their camping spot to kill em and blow their way out. And that's exactly what Russia told it would do yet people now are like


Krynky was a failure ?

After listening to this guy copes:

He is absolute legend

10 days Ukraine wins in volvchansk

4 days later shows more volvchanks under Russia and says Ukraine is about to encircle Russia in volvchansk

But wait

2 weeks ago volvchansk city was captured by Ukrainian

But wait

Russian were already encircled over a month ago

Oh frick

Ukraine already kicked Russian from Volvchansk over a month ago

And look at number he is pulling, every day 500k 15min video. He must be pulling over a million a year easily selling air to pro khohols :marseyxd:

Also when he uses Z-soldiers and Z-fighters he sounds like that dragon ball to be continue announcer

But we all know Z-fighters lose the first episodes to later improve and win

Anyway more stability patches are needed for Ukraine


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I cant stop laughing at how these maps are always so zoomed in

Holy shit bros the russians captured uncle boris's garden shed this month its joever

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1987: 7 days to the Rhine

2024: 1000 Days to Babushkas Shed (most strategic Fortress in Ukraine)

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the russians captured uncle boris's garden shed

This is it zbros, this was the tactical push Russia needed to win

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Tell them Boris was borrowing my riding mower and I want it back

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uncle boris's garden shed

Soon to be placed on a T-54

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Yeah shit is a joke at this point. "Battle of bakhmut" It's fricking shitty poor town #1005 in Ukraine. Shit is irrelevant as winning war is not based on holding a shitty territory but breaking the moral of the enemy.

Remember in Afghanistan the Taliban controlled very small part of country before they did their offensive and won the war.

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Bakhmut had about 6-times the population of Bastogne, the battle for which Americans still can't stop circlejerking themselves about, 80 years later.......

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There is a brand of alsatian speculoos biscuits named after Bastogne which tastes pretty good though :marseylickinglips:

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They are kino for cheesecake bottoms

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Literally no American anywhere has even heard of Bastogne

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It's a penjs.

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Your massage started good and would had ended up with you just being clueless about warfare but you had to show you coping hard

Holy shit bros the russians captured uncle boris's garden shed this month its joever

You can always list what Ukraine captured with all the game changers in last 600 days. So holy shit it's not over for Ukraine right ?

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You understand Russia is the invading force here right?

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Do I look like r-slur who you can play on moral values ? Like how can you even try to play that shit on me when US is now illegal in multiple countries and supporting Israel that also illegally occupies part of Syria and freely without Lebanon permissions enter its airspace and country ? And you can't cope with whataboutism because Israel shit happened after Ukrainian shit.

Ukraine is most corrupt country in Europe that literally send EU in its 3rd lost decade so being owned by Russia is best that can happen to them.

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Morals? I'm saying obviously Russia is going to be judged more harshly on territorial gains seeing as they're the invading force and overall aggressor.

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By who ? Germany already singing songs about that sanctions didn't worked and soon they will be forced to do normal relationship with Russia.

The only group that don't like Russia are boomer mayo's men. Zoomers don't care about what Russia does to Ukraine they care about Palestine. Bipoc countries care even less about Ukraine.

At one point everything will be dumped on Zelenskyy and west will say he was the problem and because of his miscommunications all the problems happened and we get a magical happy ending.

He will be the new Sadam Hussein

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Russians are dying.

Im happy.



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Do I look like r-slur


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Wait are you that cutie twink who gets mad at my Ukrainian post and couldn't even single time prove I was wrong ?

I bet your opinion is very important to your mom so go back suck her tits, clown

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Salvador, this is sad.

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Yes it's sad that you are getting angry at my Ukrainian post. Get a life, I just stating facts, Ukraine ain't going to win, I have no power to change the outcomes of it so getting mad my Ukrainian post ain't going to accomplish anything

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Nobody's mad, I'm just calling you an r-slur, calm down mutt

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Factcheck: Yes.

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>Pride self on being supposed #2 world military power

>Invade neighbour, poorest and most corrupt country in europe

>2.5 years in frontlines have become virtually static, the vast majority of our modern weaponry has been lost and we need to pull out Khrushchev-era garbage, airspace control STILL not achieved

>This was an epic win btw

This is what vatBIPOCs actually believe

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Wait you just told me Ukraine got 600 billion in aid and now US is begging Israel to sell patriots that US gave for free to Israel because US has no more AD for Ukraine. You got some 20 year old afghan c*m on your face, literally the least educated country in the world and one of the poorest and back then with 1/30 of US population and 1/10000000 U.S. wealth

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This war is such a win for Russia. Very smart move bringing trench warfare back into style.

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They never went out of style. But of course it's a win, now after two years Germans admit sanction hurt them more than Russia and the world became more divided. Arzebajan is saying it's going to do decolonisation of France

Would never been possible without khohol conflict. Yamen of Iran bombing Israel wouldn't also been possible.

Was he wrong ?

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Any day now and kyiv will fall. Just 2 more weeks

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I don't need your tears

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when will kyiv fall?

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When was it announced that Kiev was the goal ?

Or you just showing you are an example of r-slur that drinks western media c*m ?

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lmaoo already coping. Was the vdv suicide run on hostomel just a prank? They rush kyiv from belarus at the start of the war just for the memes?

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you must understand, russians are simply so incompetent that it is impossible :marseyimpossibru: to derive any strategy from their actions

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Russian wanted to change the gov and not capture Kiev and its just mater of time till Zelenskyy will be gone, he is already an illegal president.

Russian had too few men to capture a city as big as Kiev.

Also the way you spell Kiev shows how low IQ you are. Imagine suddenly changing 500+ year spelling because of some timed gov :marseyxd: there are today less kids that speak Ukrainian than last year and you are here using "kyiv"

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insane levels of cope :marseyemojirofl:

>its just mater of time till Zelenskyy will be gone


any day now bro. just 2 more weeks

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Didnt I told months before it happened that Zaluzhnyy will be fired by Zelenskyy ?

He is the only one left on that picture.

Zelenskyy want to do a referendum no to have a safe out. He now doesn't even talks about re election. He wants to do as of Ukrainian want to give Russian the territory for peace so he can't fulfil all the promises he made about 1991 because Ukrainian don't want it.

It's all to complex for r-slur like you but Zelenskyy will be gone, in winter his rep will sink hard

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New Salvador comedy routine, same as the last one but more r-slurred

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You are a wingcuck whose personality revolves around a slavBIPOC border dispute that doesn't affect anyone that matters.


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Let's look at the facts, I was the reason why shortcels was banned on Reddit, I made a lot foids mad. I was the reason why roqqus got banned.

whose personality revolves around a slavBIPOC

So you tried to piss on me and downgrade me. Cutie twink, you should know your place before thinking you can start a beef with legends, you peepee hasn't grown up to mess with someone my league

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Let's look at the facts

but nothing you say can actually count as facts it's all russian propaganda

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But I literally reposted jihad Julian the most pro khohol Nazi

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i read like 10 words of what you've posted here. :smoke:

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You know if I call you r-slur I would been absolutely correct ?

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radical? yeah. you would be correct. :alienfinger:

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My previous comment had more than 10 words :surejan:

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/ I don't care about Ukraine, but I really hope America and Europe keep sending them money because it's infinitely better to pay Ukraine to kill Russians than to do it ourselves. Like, I cannot understate this enough... paying Ukraine to fight Russia is the best possible outcome. We should unironically ensure this conflict is extended to the maximum possible duration to ensure maximum casualties. Like lol,  like lmao, we can bomb Russians to our hearts content and there risk of starting WW3 is relatively low. Extremely good deal.
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Israel doesn't stand with khohols that stealing Israeli I mean US budget

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/ > comment about America, Europe, Ukraine and Russia :marseysaluteusa:

/ > ah but the Jews... :chadjewrentfree:

/ Commies are ridiculous lmfao :marseycomrade:


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I don't accept the premise of the question

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Idk whats going on, i just hope both sides are having fun :)

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It makes me laugh to hear people like you gloat when Russia is conducting basically the worst campaign in the history of warfare.

Even if you win (and you won't), Russia is permanently relegated to the status of a third world country, and its military will never recover. The US could conquer it on a whim; we just don't want to bother.

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He bro

conducting basically the worst campaign in the history of warfare.

You know it's false, claiming this today when Ukraine at its strongest couldn't capture a single town is extra wrong. US has no AD to protect Ukraine and that's why now that side talks about peace talk.

Russia is permanently relegated to the status of a third world country, and its military will never recover.

Russia has today stronger world position, its kicked US from Africa, saved Assad, survived rule based worlds sanctions. You sounds like guy who promised Russian running out of ammo in 2022. Like why can't Russia build it stuff it it has all the factories and resources?

I don't want to harm you but you don't know what you are talking, all your claims are build on your wishfully thinking.

The US could conquer it on a whim; we just don't want to bother.

That's the least discrete way of saying you can't. You couldn't stop Iran from taking Israel virginity. You couldn't remove Assad. You couldn't stop NK and Iran developed their nukes.

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This post was reviewed by an independent team of fact checkers.

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it's gonna be over any day now! the russian machine is unstoppable!

what do you mean it's already been 2 years? what do you mean russia is taking tiny insignificant villages and pumping it up like they've done something major?!

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What do you mean US was for 20 years in Afghanistan and left with nothing ?

What do you mean Russia is the only country in Europe that growing and conquering? Why you make Russia sound so cool ?

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fair comparison. US vs a country on the other side of the world. russia vs a country literally next door.

russia sounds so fricking cool and badass and super power-like right now as they desperately struggle to conquer a tiny incredibly weak neighboring country and crow about taking over villages with a population of 25 that no one has ever heard of 2 years in to this war!

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fair comparison. Russia vs all western countries that gave Ukraine more money than TOTAL land lease to allies in ww2 and couldn't get 1 tiny town back. And U.S. fighting giga poor country that got ZERO outside help and has beaten the richest country in the world who population moged them by 30 times.

Tiny country that wasted all western artillery and AD so Biden had to beg Israel to sell back to US weapons they gave for free to Israel

taking over villages with a population of 25

But jihad Julian told Krasnohorivka had 16k people.

Also village need to have 500 people to be concerned villages and in last 600 days with 70% of US yearly military budget Ukraine captured 0 villages. Afghanistan with not even 1% of it had owned US. Why you didn't mentioned it ?

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too russian didn't read

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The Ukrainian army lost six villages and more than 40 square kilometers over the past week.

Given that Ukraine is 600,000 square kilometres at this rate it'll take russoids just... *does basic calculation* ... 300 years before they declare victory!

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Given your average Redditor brain that don't understand you can't use basic math like this.

So I am not surprised you using that shit in 2024.

And reality you can't even use basic math, like here example in 2021 Ukraine population was 44millions today it's less than 25 millions so in 2,5 years they lost close to 20 million people now do calculation for 300 years

So as you see basic calculation is not something your brain is capable so you shouldn't steep out if your league with your disable brain, be more like Biden

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Oh yeah this is still a thing. I forgot about since strags on soical media stop pretending to care.

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:marseyseethe:: "But a sensationalist Russian tabloid talk show was still wrong when they said that the war would last only a few days/weeks. Checkmate ziggers!"

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Since it's obviously after pumping 600 billions Ukraine ain't winning it's time to start playing on "morals" omg how can you support Russia they are invading forces :soycry:

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Russia only killed hundreds of thousands of there own men, destroyed they military export market, and made nato stronger they're totally winning!

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Dude it's 2024 we now know Ukrainian always outmanned Russian so all the stories about "hundreds of thousands" is just khohol lies to get more money.

And north Kharkiv is the peak Ukrainian BS they them self admitted they outmanning Russian by 3 times in May and now by 6 times and they losing ground there

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Everyone knows successful armies keep their casualties with farm animals.

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Smart people giving questionable rumours videos as some kind of facts.

Also successful armies praising what they captured

But ignoring what they lost

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Has russia won yet?

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Yeah, Zelenskyy want a peace talk with Russia and referendum in Ukraine to give Crimea and Donbas to Russia so Russia completed it first part of the goal

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