F16 bros it's officially over


By 40km he means 400km tho since Russian ad go beyond 40km




It's Biden fault a small multi role jet with short range and relatively low lift weight is not destroying Moscow !

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@MoonMetropolis say this as a feminist ally.

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F35 is short term conflict weapon. In long term conflict every weapons flaws is found and that's how rebel have beaten the empire in Star Wars despite empire having more advance weapons. Giving Ukraine f35 will significantly weaken Taiwan since China will have all its performance sheets so f35 does it only with significant one after marriage

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>"In long term conflict every weapons flaws is found and that's how rebel have beaten the empire in Star Wars despite empire having more advance weapons."

:#soyjakyelltalking: !soyteens

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I proudly haven't seen the first 6 episodes of Star Wars :gigachad2:

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only having watched the sequels is even worse

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@MoonMetropolis say this as a feminist ally.

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B-word I played TIE Fighter and all the expansions and the Empire never lost.

One of the reasons why today I accept the true King of Kings, whoever rules Iran at the moment.

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>Sal argues with no one

>still has to make up facts

>declares himself winner

>ESL comment replies

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You still but hurt I owned you


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>he invents arguments he's won in the past


Pooping your pants and screaming that we can't prove we smell it doesn't make it go away.

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I am the guy that claims Russia did something then couldn't prove it and then afraid to bet on my truth ?

Oh wait it's you


There is also good news for you no international organisation opened a case so claiming it was Russian missile is now a dirty speculation

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Pooping your pants and screaming that we can't prove we smell it doesn't make it go away.

See above.

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You can prove what you smell, there are olfactory sensor than can pick odor molecules.

See above.

That you are an idiot ?


I know

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>Sal hasn't shit his pants until someone retrieves a $500,000 electronic nose to confirm the smell of shit is coming from his pants

>he will immediately claim that the result is invalid because we didn't bring the certificate of calibration dated within the last 6 months

>he will then demand a certified expert perform the test again with a second sample of "Control" shit

>he will then claim that these aren't his pants so it can't be his shit

!r-slurs, would you go through this much effort to prove you didn't shit your pants?

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Tell me did I owned you so hard that you had to ping other people to be your backup? You can't have one to one discussion with me ?

You now literally searching for excuses why you can't prove your claims and want that people blindly believe you.

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You can't have one to one discussion with me ?

Says the user who tried to move the discussion to my wall before I pinged r-slurs. I merely wished to consult the experts in pants pooping.

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But serious question, since you know you can't beat me, why are u still trying to prove me something ?

The figurative speech you used is just a shit. It suggest that if you can't prove it, it doesn't mean it don't exists so you basically tell me to believe in your god without giving proofs he exist outside your beliefs. That's some tribe shit.

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I know you're really low IQ, but I'll make it simpler than the pants pooping analogy:

I post evidence that disputes your claim.

You claim that evidence is faked.

You fail to provide any support to that claim.

You refuse to do so when asked multiple times.

You continue to reply with deflections

You declare yourself the winner but still seeth post in new thread.

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So you telling me I should believe you and not international court organisations or even Ukraine that didn't send formal blame to Russia ? I also should believe your AI edited picture without metadata while civil law code says such thing can't be an evidence ?

You calling me low IQ, praising my evade skills and yet don't realise I have formal law discipline?

Wow bro


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So you telling me I should believe you and not international court organisations or even Ukraine that didn't send formal blame to Russia ?

So things only happen if the ICC says they happen?

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They can travel directly over SAMs while accompanied by EW craft, we do this shit on the daily.

!burgers this is literally how we flew 1.21 gigawatts of planes over Baghdad in Desert Storm. I think we used Growlers.

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F-16s are are the jets used to purposely get shot at by SAMs to destroy them.


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Single one of those pilots most likely had more flight hours than the whole UKR squadron though. It makes sense not sending them to the front to die.

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Growlers weren't a thing back then. It was all Prowlers and Sparkvarks in Desert Storm.

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Baghdad in Desert Storm

Operation Desert Shield, which marked the military buildup from August 1990 to January 1991

Sadam didn't even had s200.

Ukraine is full with EW


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Saddam had the best stuff the Soviets had to offer around 1980 (with a few exceptions like ballistic missiles). The fact that we (I mean the people of Earth here) were able to trounce him in 100 hours should have been a learning experience for commie peepeelickers like you. But I guess if you could learn you wouldn't be worshipping some strag who talks about how many tractors were just produced.

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He didn't had s200 and that thing was produced in mid 60's and you says he had best soviets had to offer. S300 entered in service in 1978. You should better explain how is abrams KDA in Ukraine 0/31/0

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And here I thought they were gonna intercept whatever the Russian equivalent Air Force One is called.

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Multiple Ukrainian pilots told su27 is an better jet


Redditors continue coping with f16 :marseythumbsup:

They somehow also coping with f16 weapons but su27 already uses all f16 weapons. When company says or our weapons only work with platform X most of time they just want to sell it in bundle.

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Comparing the Su-27 to the F-16 is a bit apples to oranges since it's between a twin-engine jet and a much smaller one, although the Flanker was designed to combat the F-15 so these Ukrainian pilots aren't wrong in this context.


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what a fat frick of a plane

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As a fighter pilot, lol, lmao even

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Ukraine successfully did a 0/31/0 K/D/A with abrams

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I don't get the rah rah over the F16s. A couple F16s over a huge fricking front is just not gonna be as impactful as some people seem to expect. They probably won't even do all that much patrolling western Ukraine.

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It's just pro Ukrainian tell every new game changer this time for sure will make Ukraine win. While they now are at its weakest.

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Factcheck: This claim is currently being debunked.

This post was reviewed by an independent team of fact checkers.

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This was ALWAYS going to be the case. People who understand how things work, never thought the F16 was going to be anywhere near the front. They're going to lob missiles from way the frick far away, and be shot down by Russian jets anyhow.

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