Day 4 of Ukraine's invasion of Russia - Russia is finally bringing reinforcements to kick the ukranian army out! :marseysoldierrussia: Look at how though they are :marseyscared:

Maybe lining them all up like this is a bad idea? Especially since half of the vehicles are just civilian cars and the other are unarmored? But what's the worst that can happen, right?

The result - lots of dead russians :marseydead:

Before that ruskies were very confident that their undefeated army will come and crush those khohols! :marseysmug2:

They are a lot less happy now :ziggerseethe:

(Stole this from /k/, which is a very funny place right now btw)

But since Putin is telling us that the ukrainin army has been already defeated three times over then the situation must be under control. Which is why he declared federal emergency over Kursk. Ukronazis have been totally defeated, they are totally not advancing further and haven't bombed ammunition deposits and airfields along their trek through Russia :angryvatnik:

But let's not be mean here, Russia is still advancing in Kharkiv and it's taking down important strategic military targets, like this random supermarket. This will show the West the might of the russian army! :marseyputin:

Edit: video with the column getting hit as seen by ukrainian radars

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There is only one problem. After 3-4 weeks, Ukrainians will be banished from Kursk oblast With Russia even more out for blood due to all the civilians killed by Kiev goons

>After 3-4 weeks, Ukrainians will be banished from Kursk oblast

>after 3-4 weeks

>With Russia even more out for blood

>we'll respond by killing civilians even harder

Do vatniks even hear themselves? :marseyrofl: :marseycringe:

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That's like two whole :marseysal: worth of weeks :marseymindblown:

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"we don't kill civilians we are here to save Ukraine" was cap deadass

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frfr bussin on god bet

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>The Coalition cucks Saddam, the 5th largest army on earth, so hard in 3 weeks with airpower alone that their survivors are trying to surrender to passing helicopters


>Russia may expel its neighbor in 3 weeks who after 2 years of war, has invaded them

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Highway of death moment, slav style.

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Looking forward to a photo of a charred corpse with an unbelievably gay, juvenile, and pretentious caption

"If my mom didn't frick black guys she wouldn't know...the world is so corrupt..."

Well said.

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What's the reference here?

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Gotta have an air force to do that


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More Russoys to the meat grinder


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This Russian invasion has gone from funny, to kinda sad, to really funny in the span of over 2 years.

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Invading Russia back was a genius idea, there will be memes made about this for years to come :marseycoin: :marseystocksup:

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It really is the funniest timeline

2022: Russia Invades Ukraine :marseydarkcomrade:

2024: Ukraine Invades Russia :marseyclown2!:

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This kind of implies that either the US has finally given them permission to do this, or they're ignoring US requests to not expand the war.

Would be interesting to know which. The tail sometimes starts wagging the dog in these conflicts.

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US: don't take our hardware across the border...

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Apparently Ukraine decided it's better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission and started the raid without notifying Murica. At least that's the official story :marseyshrug:

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the israel way

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The Biden way

Kamala has to pretend shes a big supporter so not like she can adommish them and pretend she's not in control

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Impossible. Ukrainians would never do something sneaky or under-handed.

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It's surprising I know, you would never expect slavs to be smart enough for that :marseyrussianmutt:

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They've had no successes elsewhere following US rules. Might just decided to say frick it and actually do something that helps versus slowly losing the war

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Ukraine got permission to use western weapons within russia a few months ago. Theyve probably planned and prepared for this attack since then.

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The US backtracked quite a bit on that. They only let them use them on a narrow part of RU where they invaded in Kharkiv AFAIK. It's possible that includes Kursk

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Sleepy Joe is asleep, invade Russia

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The Biden administration has been leaking to media that they have no idea wtf is going on.

Perhaps after being unmitigated cucks for Israel over and over again in ways that hurt US interests nobody takes them seriously anymore. :marseyhmm:

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Goated "non military intervention" fr

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Waiting for Salvador to tell us why this is actually a win for Russia.

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Ukraine is rightfully Russian, so when they take a city in Russia, that's actually a Russian army taking a Russian city, which is a victory

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Russia has a large enough army, so culling the weak shows the rest how not to do it.

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Ukraine already belongs to Russia, its their turn to play in grandpa Niko's driveway

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Look at this map with an arrow going from the back of Boris' shed to the front of it. How will Ukraine recover?

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Ukraine's basically creating a salient that can be approached from all sides. They don't have the men to hold the area, and there's no real strategic significance other than tying down a few more Russian soldiers.

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Day 4 of 3 day special operation.

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>Special Military Operation :marseygigaretard: :!#to: strongest RVSSIAN super-soldier of the Rurik-Romanov bloodline that has single-handedly killed over 150 Nazi-Globalist-Satanist-Jewish-Homosexual OINKrainian Khokhols in only a single day! :marseysaluteussr: !neolibs

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This is who calls you a globalist cuck.

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:siren: CYRAXX GOT ARRESTED AGAIN :siren: :marseycop: :marseylolcow: :marseycop2: !ranchers

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The worst part is that they are both 26. But hey, an 18 year vodka and chain smoking habit will catch up with you

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I was like "darn that looks like a BWC comment", then I looked at the username and it was! :marseyfluffy:

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This is a good way to spend your time while waiting for more funny news coming out of Russia :marseyagree:

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Darn, didn't they learn their lessons about a big traffic jam target practice in Kyiv?

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When I was a kid they promised us we were all going to die in a really cool nuclear war in Germany against millions of commies with 100,000 tanks, but now I realize that God would have chosen for all these tards to die in a traffic jam instead of granting me martyrdom. :marseysad:

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It looks like the entire column was carrying infantry. They were armed, most likely a platoon per vehicle.


And thats why you shouldnt listen to random "military enthusiasts" on the internet or get your reporting from twitter.

Even if you stack them like afghans, no truck in the world can carry an entire infantry platoon. Even for russia thats 30+ soldiers, plus a shitton of equipment.

As a rule of thumb its one truck per squad, plus one vehicle for the PL, and maybe some additional for attached elements or equipment. A platoon is at least 4 vehicles, 3 of them trucks.

A company runs in the 20-30 vehicle range, again 4 per plt for 12 vehicles, another for the CO, one for the 1st Sgt, one or two trucks for the HQ, one truck for supplies and another for maintenance. If you have anything attached, thats additional vehicles. Most likely at least a medevac vic, probably 2-3+ for the engineers...

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Maybe if you're a fat American. Russians can fit an entire platoon with room to spare :marseysmughips:

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Also, goddarn, that site included 3 ads for literally 2 sentences of content, I've seen porn sites with more shame.

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That's why I browse with JavaScript disabled. No ads or popup shit. The modern web is unusable otherwise

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I only use rdrama on my phone.

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Why are you not disabling JavaScript in your phone browser?

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I've seen a woman naked (I'm not a codecel)

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How many are in a mobnik meat cube?

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Bout 3 brain cells and 45 litres of vodka when they set out, one braincell and 20 liters when they arrive

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Too much nerd shit, what matters is that there's a lot of dead ruskies there :marseynerd2:

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This is what you guys are getting excited about, in purple:



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The point isnt that they taken a lot of land or anything, the point is they took anything at all and its just an embarassment for Ruzzia !anticommunists

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Russia had its own army march on Moskow like 2 years ago, Ukraine needs to step up its game if they want to embarrass them.

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Was that really only 2 years ago? :marseyshook:

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I have no idea tbh. Could have been 4 could have been last year.

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Might as well just spam the ziggers with that copypasta of U.S. invading Mexico every time they spout their bullshit.

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Where are you during sals weekly "Russia has advanced 200m Ukraine is finished" post?

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I thought we all stopped reading those years ago.

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:#marseysal: 2 more weeks

black lives matter

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What posts?

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The "Russia has taken a village with 3 houses, victory is imminent" posts ?

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Sal supported Russia? :marseygasp:

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Salvador not :marseysal:

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Oh :marseysad:

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it gets bigger when you zoom

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It's still funny

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It's alright, but all this ribble rabble made me think something had happened.

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Remember when this was about seizing Kyiv in a lightning operation? Maybe the Ukrainians have learned from Russia to have strategic patience.

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Wrong! What @AnalKong is excited about is the zigger convoy that got too experience a highway of death re-enactment


White extinction is long overdue

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This is anti-dramatic

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Calling something a nothingburger is an essential part of the dramatic process, look at all the replies.

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Your mother is a nothingburger (like sticking your peepee between two dry pieces of bread)

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I'm not excited, I know russia will stomp ukrain into the mud, from donbass to moldova

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Aaany day now...


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honestly it's still really impressive when you take into account the rate of territory lost and gained over the past year.

black lives matter

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Remember that I had already predicted Ukraine winning the Russia Ukraine war and Israel losing the current Israel-middle east war.

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Israel losing the current Israel-middle east war.

:!marseyglancing: why would you bet against the favored?

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>Israel losing the current Israel-middle east war.

:#speechbubble: !jidf !historychads

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By every metric, Israel is winning by uncontested attrition. They are however losing the propaganda/global public opinion battle.

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I dont think they need to win it, in general western countries dont really care about brown people dying

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With the nonstop rhetoric over White Supremacists vs Black Lives it's an easy oversight.

Maybe don't pray to a child male feminist or something idk. Maybe the Ottomans shouldnt have fricking lost a major war.

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Okay, McNamara. :marseyeyeroll:

One thing my dad taught me was to not get in a war of attrition unless you can kill them faster than they replace their losses. In an entire year they've killed about 20,000 guys by their own estimates. But any day now, we're always on the verge of winning, if you just kill a few more people...

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I mean by the math I was comparing 30,000/1,500 K/D, with a larger population and superior tech.

It's a bit better than a 1% spread.

It doesn't mean they're the good guys, they're just crushing. Crushing other people's homes.

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I just don't see any strategy though. How do they win? You blow up Gaza, what does that get you? Then the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, are they going to Baghdad? It reminds me of a political cartoon from the 1980s where there's Israeli tanks up on a mountain and people are shooting sling shots at them and the guy says "Who knew they were anti-semitic even out here in Tibet?"

This isn't WW2. There isn't going to be unconditional surrender. They're going to have to live next to these people unless there's actual genocide, which would cut their ties to the rest of the world and make it an impoverished 3rd world shithole.

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God's chosen people are dunked on once every century. God doesn't miss schedule.

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What was the 19th century?

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:marseyannoyed: I'm not reading all of that

Anything big in there? :marseyreading:

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I am not reading all of that either buddyroo.

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Rude :marseyannoyed:

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That's nothing compared to oppression of drunk drivers.

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Antisemitism obviously. Also, where's my 2k DC? :marseyunamused:

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What 2k? :marseysad:

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!metashit !pings sphereserf is back

Would be a shame if someone grassed him again huh

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been back for a while

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I didn't see him post until now so that's a lie

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Oh wow you are back

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Can you predict :marseyfortuneteller: I get a million :marseysamhyde: dollars :marseycoin: pls :daydream:

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i can predict you getting some more good friends. Would that do?

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I suppose I can scrap them for parts :marseysad:

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