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Something that unites Russian and Ukrainian this holiday




Being pissed that Jews dominate their capitals and making fun of them


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Ukros are getting weird about jews. I think being ignored by America in favor of Israel broke their brains and now they're trying to assimilate into jews to keep getting gibs :marseyzelensky:

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Israel gave close to 0 aid to Ukraine. There is just close to 0 chances on 3rd year Israel will have change of hearts especially when majority western countries "Officially" want this all to end


I wrote "officially" because last EU published 93% in Brussel want more aid for Ukraine. That's just impossible.

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Israeli :marseyjewish: politicians are whiny b-words and cry whenever Ukraine :marseyazov: sends food to Palestine :marseynyanisrael: or votes to end the war

But yeah, if they didn't give any aid to Ukraine :marseyzelensky: 2022-3 there's no way they'd give them any aid now, after a year plus of a multi-front war lol that's kind of obvious :marseyoctopus4:

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Israel keeps complaining about how Ukraine votes against them at the UN, so they refuse to send aid to them out of spite. There are lots of khohols complaining about the jews monopolizing foreign aid and attention while not doing anything to help them fight Russia. Or worse, helping ruskies. I don't think these two will become friends anytime soon :marseysmirk:

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