WTF is this shit

I wanted cool Putin gif not some khohol bs


Like don't they understand if he was best kgb agent and became president he would had less sympathy ? Or if he was rich his whole life instead of being poor ?



Neighbor created a whole summit trying to break global south stance and is surprised that from extended BRICS only India will come :marseypikachu2:

India basically has nothing to lose since it got from west full cart blanche to trade with Russia.

Mr Zelensky also said China's leader Xi Jinping had earlier promised him they would “stand aside in this war and would not support Russia with weapons”.

I am also pretty sure it was promised nato weapons won't hit Russian soil.

But, he added, there are now “elements that are part of Russia's weaponry” that come from China, according to various intelligence agencies. He called for China to maintain a “consistent” position.

The US has said that China is helping Russia make more munitions, armoured vehicles and missiles. It estimates about 70% of the machine tools and 90% of the microelectronics Russia imports come from China.

But that's awesome, he should smile more

@pizzashill do you remember how you were confident that Russia would have problems with machine tools and I told you they won't because chunks will cover them and you started coping that chunks can't and won't ? Mb you should listen to foids less ?

Also it's seems

Zelenskyy came to Singapore to exclusively meet Chunks but they avoided him hard

Also he wasn't really welcomed there

Didn't get red carpet and etc

I mean it's called

Shangri-La Dialogue, Asia's premier defense summit


permanent heads of ministries and military chiefs of mostly Asia-Pacific states

Of course some euro clowns like Frogs, Bongs and Nazis have to take part in Asia-Pacific talks

So why was Zelenskyy there instead going to the Oscar's ? Who knows :idontknow:

Also hilarious that Biden decided to go hangout with George Clooney than going to Zelenskyy tea party :marseyxd:

All the major :marseygaygeneral: twitter :marseyx: pro-Z accounts got doxxed on telegram



It's time fffffffor

Zelenskyy Youth

At this point

Modern conflicts are interesting, like we can see everything.

Yesterday at night khohols launched himars at Belgorod

They all were shot down because Russia has tons of experience against those and can write now better PhD thesis about it that og manufacturer.

When it was launched pro khohols were happy telling its over for Russian in Kharkiv.

Then same night this happens

We also know that pension are being cut and pension age increased.

And media is still telling us Ukraine is winning jfl

We then get victims like this:

The source I was dunking at was this:

He basically told on May 29 that Ukraine has a great counteroffensive so by time I made my post (31 May) there was no proofs it ever happened but of course in Reddit dimension it happened. But interesting thing is the guy is legit insane he is Zaluzhnyy posting after Zaluzhnyy was bussy blasted by Zelenskyy 4 months ago :marseyrofl:

So Reddit promoting a shizo to cope. Also to add credit to this shizo grifter, he didn't mentioned Ukraine liberated most of the Volvchansk, that was just basically redditors shizo addon


She also says people need to work longer and spare more money because pensions won't be enough.

In case Ukraine wins EU as reward not only get privileges of betabuxxing khohols foids but also rebuilding the country (there's no way Russia agrees giving even one cent to Ukraine without fully nuking Ukraine) we also get privileges of betabuxxing their old folks and disabled :marseythumbsup:

So as project Ukraine is like one you pump a lot of money so if it's succeed you'll get as reward privileges to pump even more money into this project.

Zelenskyy should hurry up and mobilise the 18 year olds so we get the ultimate 21 century Paraguayan War conclusion.

I now want Biden to win

Why ? Because Zelenskyy did “frick Joe Biden”

this whole year Zelenskyy been fricking with Biden by sabotaging him like doing things Biden asked not to. Like Biden asked not to touch oil refineries but Zelenskyy told he will touch them if Biden doesn't give him 60 billions. So on 26 or so April, Zelenskyy got 60 billions. Then on 13 May when Russian launched offensive in Kharkiv and were successful because khohols stole the fortification budget, Zelenskyy started blaming Biden telling it's because Ukraine can't use western missiles to hit Russia so he started sabotaging Biden again so Biden told ok. Now Biden asked Zelenskyy to go because Putin and Xi don't view him legal and Zelenskyy started getting rid of Biden men in Kiev and told basically “Frick Joe Biden” because he expect him to lose to Trump and Trump promised to bomb Moscow and Beijing (Trump forgot to mention that's in Minecraft)

Volodymyr Zelenskyy's frustration with Joe Biden was laid bare this week, when the Ukrainian president rebuked his US counterpart in unusually blunt terms, saying Biden's plan to attend a Democratic fundraiser rather than Ukraine's peace summit on June 15-16 was “not a strong decision”.

Article has more examples of problems

So last year I already wrote that Zaluzhnyy would get kicked out because Zelenskyy doesn't like him and west like Zaluzhnyy

@Szia_uram told back then I am crazy and that it won't happen.

I also back then told Zelenskyy will be a problem. And he is now a problem, he has no legal power, don't want to do elections because he is going to lose, Russia and China don't view him as legal figure. For this conflict to end he has to go or do an election, there is no other ways and he doesn't want to go and lose power.


The high elf the holy protector of Europe the king of democracy

Became the true dictator of Europe :marseyrofl:

Such videos already aged as shit with all the corruption he did and how he personally managed the spring counteroffensive and held bakhmut.

So why Biden winning would be good ? Since Zelenskyy now as true honourable man wants to lick Trump butt after he shitted on Trump for 2 years. So he doesn't consider that Biden can win so if Biden wins, Zelenskyy is going to drop another masterpiece mental gymnastics


It been posted 15 hours. No mapper reported any Ukrainian gains

The funny thing is that Russia burned through large numbers of critical reinforcements, armour, vehicles, artillery and ammo to open this new front. If they lose it they gained nothing except destroying more Ukrainian cities.

Redditor shows his high IQ

But this article proves that 18 brigades can't kick out 6 Russian brigades and even losing ground to those 6 brigades

Ukrainian troops have successfully stabilized the area, with analysts estimating that around 38,000 Ukrainian soldiers are deployed in this direction, compared to approximately 14,000 Russian troops.

Zelenskyy told a week ago that Russian at that front losing 8 men for 1 Ukrainian

And before it he told Russian losing 1000 men a day in that direction. So how come 14k men that lose 1k+ men a day fighting 38k men that lose 125 men a day and still exist after more than 2 weeks ?


This is Ukrainian KDA advantage being fabed and tos-2'sed hard and on top of it Russian actually build fortifications lines. When they pushed in Kharkiv they started building fortifications for 10 days without moving forward waiting for Ukrainian l'epic counter offensive so Russian bait actually worked

Let's look at more high iq Redditors

Jake Broe talked about it the other day, Russia has been trying to rush their summer offensive before the reinforcements from US arrived, and it has failed.


There was never pause in delivery of weapons to Ukraine and it was even proudly admitted

Wouldn't that also mean, that a concentrated force is a far easier target for HIMARS and artillery?

Of course they cope in 2024 about HIMARS and JDAMS

Like for real jdams were getting jammed before they were officially introduced in Ukraine :marseythumbsup:

We said from the beginning this was putin's last ditch Ardennes Offensive, before Ukraine received too much new military aid to overcome, and it was as doomed to fail as the actual Ardennes Offensive.

Homosexual also told spring counteroffensive

That is 38K highly motivated biolab soldiers versus 14K highly demotivated blyats.

It's interesting that neighbor don't even ask how 14k Russian are able to hold 38k Ukrainian with 8 KDA

And of course they don't ask how is Ukrainian not striking Russian soil with rockets launchers yet bomb Belgorod ?

And Macron admitted this event

On this paper blue is Ukrainian strikes and blue is on Belgorod

So Ukrainian were striking Belgorod with Czech rocket launchers RM-70 (that uses himars missiles), Ukraine also used nato tech on Russian soils with attack on Belgorod and even lost a black hawk before Russian attacked Kharkiv and now when Ukraine will strike Belgorod with himars (launcher). Think about it, it's a game changer. That will be forgotten in 2 weeks like 160 billions that Ukraine already received this year and Ukraine is asking for more now :marseyclapping:

Like what's wrong with them ? How can they live in such parallel universe ? And worst they telling about helping Ukraine yet they don't enlist and if this conflict gets bigger they won't enlist.


Found out she was cheating and his son wasn't his and that wife lied all the time so he made a rampage

Every time I see slav story I remember this song, it's like 30 year old song about coming back home and beating the shit out of your gf/wife for cheating


I think wife gets 70% of what men get in army, + around 30k-100k if he dies.

So some women started marrying men before their deployment. It's common practice in even in US, like how hoes get pregnant by sailors and etc. But in Ukraine hoes can marry guy, send him to bakhmut to get him killed, marry the next guy.



Writing in October 2023 that Ukraine is winning :marseysmug3:

:marseysquint: A Russian Orthodox priest:gigachadorthodox: has announced that soldiers who perished:marseysoldierrussiagenocide: in the Special Military Operation have begun to resurrect :marseyzombierising:
Pay up vatnik

Imagine being a Ukrainian CO having to justify this nonsense with a straight face in front of a room of your own countrymen.

"No, you see, we're totally our own sovereign country. It's just, if the Amerikanskiy don't vote blue no matter who, we will all die." (they will die regardless)

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