
Let's start with the fact that Putin has already failed in his objective. He wanted to flatten Ukraine. He wanted to ensure that they had no sovereignty, independence, agency, no democratic future

How it's possible to start a statement with so many contradiction ? Putin is right now bombing Ukraine and doing it better than in 2022 or 2023. So statement that Putin failed is at this point wrong. Then talking about Ukrainian sovereignty, independence and democracy future when they fully depend on western help to exist :marseysmug3: and democracy when the election was cancelled by Zelenskyy because Zakuzhnyy is more popular ? :marseysmug3:

Can Ukraine succeed? Absolutely. Can Ukraine come out of this more sovereign, more economically independent, stronger, more European than it is now? Absolutely. And I think it will. But we've got to stay with it. We've got to make sure our allies stay with it.

And we have to accelerate a lot of the initiatives that were in the supplemental, like helping Ukraine build that highly deterrent military force of the future, like deploying these longer-range weapons to strategic effect, like ensuring that the critical infrastructure and the energy sector are protected, like building up our own defense industrial base and that of our allies and Ukraine's again, so that we and Ukraine are building faster than Russia and China.

This part reads like is 2022 and khohols weren't pumped with almost 500 billions and given all kinds of range weapons. I mean Ukraine is somehow in 2022 because it was last time they had any success but still. And part with building faster than Russia and China is just pure cope.

>But can it get all its territory back, including Crimea?

It can definitely get to a place where it's strong enough, I believe, and where Putin is stymied enough to go to the negotiating table from a position of strength. It'll be up to the Ukrainian people what their territorial ambitions should be. But there are certain things that are existential.

Any deal that they cut in their interest and in the larger global interest has to be a deal that Putin is compelled to stick to. We can't be doing this every six months, every three years. It has to actually lead to a deal that includes Russian withdrawal.

Offer to Putin absolute capitulate without having power to force him do this = Putin doesn't want to negotiate :marseyclapping: true kwin of diplomacy

>Was it a mistake not to push the Ukrainians harder to go for some sort of negotiated end to the war in 2022, especially the fall of 2022?

They were not in a strong enough position then. They're not in a strong enough position now. The only deal Putin would have cut then, the only deal that he would cut today, at least before he sees what happens in our election, is a deal in which he says, “What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable.” And that's not sustainable.

I love how she act like Ukrainian situation today is similar to 2022. Not mentioning back then Ukraine had power of sanctions and western help with billions games changers so there was hints Russia could lose but in 2024 Ukraine has shortage of manpower, epic western help is a norm that just keep Ukraine alive in comatose form. And then China now helps Russia more and more. So she needs to be honest, Ukraine bussy is in worse shape today. And sustainable is probably fight to last Ukrainian and then still lose ?

That works if you have a leadership that is fundamentally accepting the current system. But once you have leaders who are telling their populations that this system keeps their country down, doesn't allow it to have its rightful place that has a territorial definition of greatness, that is bent on economic, political and or military coercion — that's antithetical to this order, and then our policy has to change.

I don't think higher tariffs ever existed in history

>leaders who are telling their populations that this system keeps their country down, doesn't allow it to have its rightful place


>What is the lesson we should learn about foreign policy in general when it comes to the experiences we've had in Russia and China?

We should always try to talk both to leaders and to people, to the extent that we're allowed. We should always offer an opportunity to work together in common interest.

Russia capitulate immediately! China you can't surpass us in economical market !

Always offer and opportunity to work together :marseyclapping:

>Do you ever plan to go back into government?

I love what I did for 35 years. I've always loved it. And I continue to love it. So in the right circumstances, of course.

She announced she retiring and then writes about right circumstances :marseynoooticer:


I legit laughed when I seen those Arabs


Where are all epic western media hype like during spring counteroffensive offensive:

The Ukrainian counteroffensive initially drew comparisons to D-Day, with the operation seen as a pivotal moment in the war that would influence the outcome.[322][323] Analysts regarded successes as unequivocally demonstrating that Western military aid to Ukraine was justified and that a comprehensive Ukrainian victory was possible, which would encourage further aid.

Ukraine moved 5cm and it was the biggest shit:

Robotyne is first Ukrainian breach in Russian lines of defense

:soysnoo: :soyjakwow:

@Szia_uram what is Belgorod offensive doing ? It was hilarious seen you happy back then like how low IQ must you been thinking it won't end up like this ?

Russian captured storage full with washing machines in vovchansk kharkov

Also a future video from volchansl got posted

Dvinatsate nole patu = 12/05

Everything is fine in volchansk

Neighbor got me worried I was like “frick did I just sleep a whole day ?”



Russian entered the city Volchansk and captured couple of other village so what exactly didn't extended ?

Meanwhile ISW has no idea what to write

Imagine having money and unlimited creative freedom and still doing this:

How @DaddyReagan cope started

Then he started coping about how Russia can't capture small country Ukraine (that is second biggest in Europe) he also ignored how the country getting more aid that allies got lend lease in ww2. Then went with other copes to in the end accept that U.S. takes part in this conflict. But he had to of course go and make a post out if contexts missing the part where he shit on Russia and of course he didn't mentioned that US couldn't capture a country weaker and smaller than Ukraine “Vietnam” and Vietcong were never as weak as khohols forces are now

@DaddyReagan you always looking at shit how it suits you but this conflict will be like 10th L since start of this century that US got


@DaddyReagan see khohols already lubing your anus for failed Russian offensive


Now Chinese satellites tracking all the movements of package + Poljaks filming the movements of those packages. They will be less effective. Today a patriot radar was wiped out, that was good as losing a whole system since system is 8 launchers + radar and some shit

What Zelenskyy doing ?

After telling the whole day no fighting happening in Kharkov region he says there is heavy fights in that region :marseyclapping: and he needs more money obviously


That's clearly a bait, Ukraine will need to sacrifice mid Donetsk or Kupyansk.

But what are they doing now ?

Ask for more money obviously like duuuh

But we are at point where money can't fix their lack of manpower. Polska managed to only deport 2 men yesterday back to Ukraine, that's not enough


So you can it freely buy

Redditors saying it's 130k

Happy Dene Pobedi, outer heaven will be build !

Also Zelenskyy officially fired Zaluzhnyy today

Reason is that he is mental ill (his health) :marseyemojirofl:


I considered posting this in /h/cute twink.

Which side is globohomo on?

Didn't we just give them 60 billion? Are we giving too much or not enough I can't tell anymore


Russia's last hope. Vote NazBol!


Tomorrow will be Putin inauguration. So UK couple days ago told it's ok for khohols to hit Russian territory with bongs weapons. Russian called some bongs and frogs diplomats and told they will consider shadow storm attacks on Russian soil as direct attacks from bongs. + started Russian started some wired exercises today that suppose simulate Russian nuking Ukraine. The idea is that Ukraine today/night strike Crimea bridge so will see tomorrow if they still decide to go with it.

In Eurovision probably Croatia is going to win. Good chances have Dutchcels. Then typical Cyprus and other high energetic young girls in bikini. Ukraine has nice song and performance, people in Eurovision like gypsy music and khohol song is very gypsy but khohols starting to have gypsy status in Europe and that's a no no so today a lot of people actually hate khohols in Europe so I'll be legit surprised if they will win despite they have a good number.

Italy is also something europoorian will love. Many think Swiss has decent chances it's a gay ballade and Eurovision is a gay show but the Swiss guy is like legit gay and that not something people like in Eurovision you are ether a stealthy gay like that Dutch arcane singer or like ultra comical open gay. So normie gays out :marseymegaphone:

Good luck


Can't wait seeing her 8 children holding Chasiv Yar :marseydrunk:

Her youngest child is 25 so suits perfect for new Ukrainian mobilisation law and oldest is 38.

Rybar says China plans to start openly giving more stuff to Russia so Ursula does a fantastic job


Ukrainian main rabbi congratulated Azov battalion on their birthday :marseyxd:

He starts congratulating them calling them heroes and real men, did great job holding Azov stahl and that God should bless them. Then he says we have to remember 900 Azov fighter are still in Russian prisons and he as main khohols rabbi ask the whole world help to return the heroes back.

Jfl I didn't knew they were forbidden to get western weapons. But fun part they told they did reorganisation but all their heads are still of Nazis from first days of creation of that organisation

Russia offered last months to do 500 on 500 exchange. Ukrainian offered some civilians as exchange material and told they will accept only Azov fighters :marseythumbsup:

And then they saying Russian don't want to do exchanges :marseybrainlet:

Ignore the video comments :chudseethe:

And EU gov publishes polls that 80% EU citizens want to give Ukraine more money :marseyxd:

The worst was when they published like 90% in Brussels support Ukraine. That city barely has any old mayo's or mayo's, their mayor is a Turk that banned rightoids summit without any legal permission but he has his sharia permission


Firms including BlackRock :marseyxd:

So next Ukrainian aid will be to pay Ukrainian debts to BlackRock


Demand Zelenskyy to give Donbas to BlackRock and then BlackRock will ask western to conquer Donbas for them because BlackRock cares about Donbas citizens

So BlackRock will gets its money back

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