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  • pet : actual cool funny stuff rdrama is too kitty for

Soyteens find a website with unsecured computers. :marseyhacker: They proceed to mess:chudjakdancing: with them in a thread with hundreds of replies.:chudglassesglow:


!soyteens They do things like set water pumps to random settings until they crash, try to cut off air vents, delete entire hard drives, change building system languages, change usernames to slurs, jam printers, datamine, suggest putting slopjaks in someone's chats, hack a cremation system, a russian nuclear research computer, a gas power plant pc, german video game dev server, a gynecology report pdf, and a chaturbate streamer and other stuff. I also checked that none of the IPs in the pictures provided are readable as to not break rdrama's rules on doxxing.

Some highlights:
































The thread was later deleted by the jannies fearing legal trouble I suppose

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The paranoia and uneasyness about what happened and the future of the Sharty is setting in.

I took a series of screencaps:marseyfedpostglow: cataloging the general atmosphere and tension on the Sharty right now:

Thread theme








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Edit: it's just a solar power plant apparently


:marseyoh: Jesus Christ, they're still at it again in another thread. I'm tired and want to go to sleep.

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:marseyxd: god darn dude

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Holy frick some IT departments/MSPs are fricking hopeless

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It got deleted by the sharty jannies but I managed to save an html file or it(with also 90% of the images saved in a folder) although first I have to scrape it of metadata before ever uploading. !soyteens

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Plz do :marseyinshallah:

I seem to have missed "jeetfridge"

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I hate to admit it but the Shemmy archived it better than I did.


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:marseyxd: imagine the last thing you see before your steel mill launches molten steel everywhere is :chudjakdanc#inggenocide: flashing on the screen

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I mean sending funny messages, putting funny pictures, etc is fun but erasing data and messing with machines is just r-slurred.

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Keep yourself safe "ethical" hacker

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This set reminds me of 4chan 20 years ago. God, they're gonna keep on causing so much chaos. I love it. :#marseyloveyoulove::#marseyloveyoulove::#marseyloveyoulove: :#marseyhibernianlove::#marseyhibernianlove::#marseyhibernianlove: :#marseymarseyloveorgylove::#marseymarseyloveorgylove::#marseymarseyloveorgylove: :marseycoco: :marseymymy: :marseymaya:

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:marseyagreefast: It warms my heart. I remember the first thread I saw on /b/ was some guy dumping a load of MySpace passwords he phished. Sharty really does feel a bit like old /b/, just with their own r-slurred pantheon of memes

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They've found like 4-5 machines that are Root level. 1 of them appeared to be a decently big Telecarrier for SA lol.

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@kaamrev you fraid?

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Lmao, seems like they might have caused some damage to a town in canada. They posted about a major water pump failure in Merritt like a lil after the thread got traction.

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Reminds me when 4chan connected to all those open cameras with PTZ and started fricking with some german guy and a conveyer cafe in japan.

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Wtf I love the generation after millenials/zoomers

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Breaking news from 2 minutes ago. Admins weren't sure about how to deal with this

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:#wojaknofunallowedtalking: !fellas why are jannies like this?

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Windows CE?

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I'm absolutely blown away people are still exposing VNC and RDP on the public internet, holy shit :marseyxd:

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It should be surpring but for some reason people do this kind of shit all the time


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I'm so tired man.

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Cant find it on ED but they once had a video where anons hacked a school's surveillance and PA

They played BIPOCz bop on the PA


There was a black kid in the class he didn't seem upset but the teacher was scrambling :marseyxd:

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If they could clean up the vocals and tweak the prose, that could be a bit song

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why do they keep saying TND?

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Prolly hate BIPOCs or something? idk

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:#marseysing: :#tayvibin:

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At some point we should really figure out how to stop running critical infrastructure on insanely out of date insecure software

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Disconnecting it from the internet usually works.

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There will be an Internet of Things and literally everything will be part of it :soyjakdancing2:

You will get your pacemaker sharty-fied :cobsondance:

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IoT devices are literally built for BBC-spamming by soyjak party

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Hey want to stake on the next soccerball? I goombled our roulette Strat in to 200 DC today only to have the Spanish negros win 🤮

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Bossmen need their bonuses, and they can't have massive IT projects that cost tons of money by themselves and disrupt business.

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Easy peasy. Give the contact to CiAmazon

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Out there :marseycheerup: some random :marseycitrusshrug: poo was just totaled by a truck :marseybutt2: running :marseychaser: a soyed up green :marseyretro: light :marseysignaling: and that's a good thing CHUD

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internet trolls might kill someone by messing with traffic lights but i feel the person actually responsible is whoever set the traffic lights up because wtf

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I've connected to 3 different pc's, all belonging to some big businesses for their country, all 3 of these had Root access. What the actual frick, dude?!?!

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It's a sliver of the reason you hear about ransomware hacks so much. Some dude's nephew comes in to do IT for a 70 year old's business, no one "speaks computer" and things just kinda work for a while so why bother ever securing your shit?

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Good morning i hate shartoids.

Look at their writing, literally subhuman brain rotting drivel. Its barely a step above monkey noises, which is ironic given their opinion towards BIPOCs.

Total shartcel death.

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That's just zoomers in general

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Doesn't make it better though


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I unironically believe that this should be legal. They're doing a public service by fricking up unsecured servers that are probably already pooping up the internet with spam and botnets and forcing the owners to deal with it

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I mean yea as long as you don't hurt people

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Reminds me of the early days when you could just look at random ips and if they had windows directory share enabled.

You found so many fun stuff there :marseyboomer:

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windows directory share

:marseywholesome: why would you like to share your cp with the entire world?

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!glowies the soyteens are paving the way for our plans...good... :marseyglow:

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is geg like their version of kek

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:chadsoyjak: Yeah

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>doxxing rule

nooo dont post something you found on google!!!

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How does this even work? I need to make sure my pc is safe from soyteens

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VNC is remote desktop access software that is basically everywhere in corp environments

VNC has dogshit security but 'jeets don't care and expose it to the outside Internet

Soytoddlers found a public database of these exposed systems

Feds will probably make an example out of a few of them. Neverthelessthoughbeit 90% of 'teens are too young to be tried as adults

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Have a firewall lmao

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Desperately need an update on this in the next week or so :#marseyxd:

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This is all a fake and any simulation

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Oh it's real. I connected to the dumb hard-working American who left his machine open and as Root.

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Do something :marseysmugface: that'll make the news, describe it before :marseyskellington: the news story :marseyslime: comes out, and then link the news story :marseyslime: here.

If it's real I'll give you 7,000DC

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will the feds even care if u frick with some russian or sexy Indian dude shit

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lmao frick that, one time through the US legal system is enough for me and that was state level. I'd rather not push into fed level territory or any crime territory beyond smoking weed.

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whatever :marseyjerkofffrown: square. !trolls the offer :marseyholdingcoin: is still on the table



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Include me in the FBI indictment

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Chip in 1000DC and I will :marseythumbsup:

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