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Post your favorite mythological beings/creatures/cryptids in this thread. I'll go first.

1- Fearsome critters

This covers a few different ones but I feel I can lump these together. Fearsome critter stories stared within American logging camps as a way to haze new members and as a way to explain natural phenomena (loggers going missing late at night, strange sounds in the forests, having to be drunk on the job).

Some of them are maneaters and some of them mostly harmless but all are super wacky looking.

The hugag is my favorite


He's like a moose-camel-duck


Selkies are creatures that can shapeshift between human and seal. Stories of this legend come mostly from Scotland, Ireland, the Faroe islands, and Iceland. A Selkie sheds their seal skin when they turn human and can only turn into a seal again with it. A lot of stories revolve around creepy moids waiting for selkies to turn into a human so that they can steal their seal skin and forcefully marry them. Real moid moment :marseyill:


I like the theory that the story of Selkies started when Finnish, Sami, and eskimos :marseyeskimo: came into contact with the Scottish and they simply believed them to be a whole other species.

3- Set animal

The Ancient Egyptian God Set was identified with this guy


There's not much else to say other than that they made up a whole new kind of animal.

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We don't have stuff like Bigfoot, but many whites conspiracy nuts from southern Africa were very hardcore into the belief of African veliciraptors or seismosaurs still being alive in the deepest darkest central African swamps of places like Angola and the Congo

Since the most infamous discovery of the Coelacanth living fossil


A lot of safricans myth hunters and archaeological r-slurs have launched many expeditions into places like Congo lakes to find supposed living fossils of raptors, river treading seismosaurs or Africa version of commodo dragons, based on ancient central African legends and myths of massive reptiles which had supposedly been hunted to extinction prior to colonialism started there


It should be noted however that Europeans have always taken these myths much more seriously than the black locals, as there have always been very seriously deadly animals in Congo to not need to invent fantasy monsters, like lions hippos and elephants

But the reason why there was any credibility of these central African mega reptiles was that the local inhabitants like the Congolese would so perfectly replicate the body structures of seismosaurs in their retellings, especially since many of Congolese had no awareness of the existence of dinosaurs or archaeology in general

Additionally reptiles (like most famous of these being the Mokele-mbembe) were very grounded mythic creates, instead of being fire breathing dragon fey shit from Ireland, instead they were just scary biological monsters

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!atheists I remember back in the early 2010s internet that it sucked to look up for living dinosaur/dinosaur-esque cryptids, because Amerimutt young earth creationists infested these topics like a plague, in order to prove how Dinosaurs co-existed or still exist thus my 19th-century Amerimutt interpretation is correct checkmate atheists libtard pwned ebic Ken Ham style :marseyeyeroll:

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I remember finding this fundie website where they had a bounty for capturing a live pterosaur. It was something like 'go crawl through the jungles of Africa, find and bring back a fricking dinosaur and we'll pay you 10 grand for it as this will PROVE God's existence :marseysmug:'. And it wasn't even a local African church hosting this it was some backwater church in the US South.

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That's great, I remember the youtuber Trey the Explainer did a video on one of those specific dinosaurs people were looking for.

It was especially hilarious how the actual African jungle dwellers they were relying upon knew it to be completely fake and were basically putting on a show giving false testimony so they'd keep coming back to look, and pay them.

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Llamhigyn Y Dwr

It's a welsh monster that has the body of a frog, but is large enough to eat sheep and children. Out of limbs, it only has webbed bat-like wings, and a reptilian tail with a poisonous stinger at the end. It is an ambush predator not unlike the crocodile, which lies motionless at the edges of swamps and lakes and leaps out at unsuspecting livestock that happens to pass by

I like it because it's absolutely dumb and has an even dumber name


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you can spot some of those in cardiff centre on a rugby night

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Truly kino creature.

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This is an amazing thread. I'm going to read every reply.


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16985155715344217.webp legends say this cryptid still haunts rDrama til this very day!

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You are supposed to ping me for every fearsome critters post.

As for favorites, right now I'm in a squonk mood.


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For non fearsome critter cryptids, my favorite has gotta be mothman. Gotta go with the all time classic.

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Man, I meant to.

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Karasutengu (very dramapilled birdmen)



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Hey Marco :marseywave2:

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Hi! :>

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omg sis me 2

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isn't it, but human? :#marseygodel:

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The Wendigo :capystantler:

Should read the short story about it too.

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There is a video from a few years ago where the wendigo is immitating a man screaming for help. I can't find it on youtube (it's full of fake wendigo videos) but the camera zooms into the wendigo and it's completelty still while making the help scream sound from its last victim.

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That's a Supernatural :marseymothman: episode sis !biofoids

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No lol. I've never seen that show. It was a YouTube short that was probably fake but looked super real. It was in color instead of black and white and had clear sound.

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Um that is literally :marseyme: a Supernatural :marseymothman: episode sis !fellas

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No, ir was footage from someone's phone

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Like the bear in Annihilation? Find it pls

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I looked for it for like a minute, but it's lost in the algorithm machine now. It was like a half deer half man and looked realistic. Possibly the only YouTube scary video I've seen and been like "ok this might be real."

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Its in a movie. I cant remember the name.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Oh, I remember that. It was a short like 8 min. horror film on youtube. I'll try and find it when I get home later.

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The one I saw was really short but maybe you can find something similar

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pretty sure you were talking about this:

it's much longer than I remembered so maybe it's not what you were talking about, but it's probably super similar. the part that made me think it's what you were talking about is about 3:00 min in, but watch the whole thing, it's good for a short film

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Positive. It was a kind of grainy video that someone had taken on a phone and the wendigo was standing in a field.

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ah well, post it here if you end up finding it

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 10 minutes and 29 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Best friend is (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((XY))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) with 210 mentions

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My favorite is the kelpie because it's an absolutely r-slurred idea for a cryptid. For those unfamiliar, it's some sort of eldritch demon horse that appears as a normal horse and tempts and entices people (usually children) to go for a ride on its back. Once they're on, it jumps into the bog and drowns the riders, who have somehow magically become stuck to it.

I never liked horses so it's a very funny image to me that someone would come across a strange horse, loose in the wild, and would ever consider a fricking pony ride on that thing. How does a horse even tempt you to ride it?

More from wikipedia

The creature's nature was described by Walter Gregor, a folklorist and one of the first members of the Folklore Society,[21] as "useful", "hurtful", or seeking "human companionship";[22] in some cases, kelpies take their victims into the water, devour them, and throw the entrails to the water's edge.[23] In its equine form the kelpie is able to extend the length of its back to carry many riders together into the depths;[24] a common theme in the tales is of several children clambering onto the creature's back while one remains on the shore. Usually a little boy, he then pets the horse but his hand sticks to its neck. In some variations the lad cuts off his fingers or hand to free himself; he survives but the other children are carried off and drowned, with only some of their entrails being found later. Such a creature said to inhabit Glen Keltney in Perthshire is considered to be a kelpie by 20th-century folklorist Katharine Mary Briggs,[5] but a similar tale also set in Perthshire has an each uisge as the culprit and omits the embellishment of the young boy.[25] The lad does cut his finger off when the event takes place in Thurso, where a water kelpie is identified as the culprit.[26] The same tale set at Sunart in the Highlands gives a specific figure of nine children lost, of whom only the innards of one are recovered. The surviving boy is again saved by cutting off his finger, and the additional information is given that he had a Bible in his pocket. Gregorson Campbell considers the creature responsible to have been a water horse rather than a kelpie, and the tale "obviously a pious fraud to keep children from wandering on Sundays"

Artist's Impression


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That's not a normal looking horse 🐎

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That's the demonic form revealed after you've already been trapped. According to some myth, it otherwise appears as a normal looking horse with a black coat and mane, and no signs of anything weird except maybe having some pond weeds or a marsh-y smell on it. According to other myth, Scottish children are so r-slurred they'll ride the horse that has snakes for hair and a 12 foot long back. They just all clamber on top that thing like it's the cat bus from Totoro.

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Maybe in ye olden days riding horses was a super special thing for scottish children :marseyshrug:

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My favorite cryptic is Lappland Saluzzo

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One of my fave is harpy(sexual reasons).


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Has anyone heard of a girlfriend? I heard it seduces you and steals your shit

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Yes sir :marseykneel:

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A representation of a Clurichaun in T. C. Croker's Fairy :marseyredhood: Legends and Traditions of the South :marseyelonpaypig: of Ireland :marseyira: (gigabased and rare book btw)

Clurichaun are a type of fae in Ireland :marseyira: that haunt pubs, breweries and wine cellars :marseyhappy2: :marseyhibernian: He's a tiny fae that blesses you with good fortune :marseyrabbitnewyear: when you leave :marseypeaceout: out a pint or glass :marseydetective: of drink :marseypepsi: for him :marseylickinglips: Most people just think :marseychildclutch: the clurichaun is a leprechaun :marseyhibernian: on a drinking :marseyzwei: spree tho :marseyantiwork:

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White :marseyokaymilk: people r ebil

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A selkie for a wife you say? That reminds me

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The wendigo, but a local rendition which is basically a smoke monster that will take the shape of your worst fear then drag you away at high speeds, shredding you.

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A djinn?

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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any kind of large bird

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my favorite mythological creature is a woman with a peepee! :scoot:

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Your s*x life

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