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Scots-Irish are Scottish, not Irish

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They were Irish for a few decades or something before they left. We practice the One Drop rule around here. :marseydisgust:

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Scotch-Irish (or Scots-Irish) Americans :marseyamericanpearlclutch: are American :marseysaluteusa: descendants of primarily Ulster Scots people[5] who emigrated from Ulster (Ireland's northernmost province) to the United :marseypeacekeeper: States :marseyeaglerider: during the 18th and 19th centuries. Their ancestors had originally migrated to Ulster mainly from the Scottish :marseybraveheart: Lowlands and Northern England :marseybongcoplaser: in the 17th century.

even if they were "Scots" at one point :marseytedsimp3: several hundered years on that sham-rock will corrupt any people's beyond :marseynietzscheretard: recognition of morale purity.


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Most of them were from Northern England tbh.

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The potato famine wasn't severe enough.

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Two potatoes were too much.

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This might be a dealbreaker. I understand why Trump picked a Vice President of Color, but Hibernians are way too "of color" for my taste.

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Days without Hibernian shenanigans: 0

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Might legitimately be one of the worst VP picks he could have gone with. Just proves he learned nothing from his first term. Wouldn't be surprised if this gave Biden a bump. Long term Trumpers are gonna be dismayed by this shit

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for real, Kamala :marseyridin: might actually :marseyakshually: become president :marseytrump2: now.



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I'm the only person in that ping group. This comment is an ad for the ping group.


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All according to plan


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Scots Irish doesn't mean Irish you fricking mutt mingokoid

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Scotch-Irish (or Scots-Irish) Americans :marseyamericanpearlclutch: :marseyamericanpearlclutch: are American :marseychonkeritsover: :marseysaluteusa: descendants of primarily Ulster Scots people[5] who emigrated from Ulster (Ireland's northernmost province) to the United :marseypeacekeeper: :marseypeacekeeper: States :marseylibertyfireworks: :marseyeaglerider: during the 18th and 19th centuries. Their ancestors had originally migrated to Ulster mainly from the Scottish :marseybraveheart: :marseybraveheart: Lowlands and Northern England :marseythatcher: :marseybongcoplaser: in the 17th century.

over a century on ire-island is enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to corrupt and twist any lineage beyond :marseynietzscheretard: all sembolence of honesty or regularity. The place :marseywinner: is madness :marseysheogorath: and the custom is chaos :marseynurgle: manifest. Have you not scene :marseyarthoe3: The Leprechaun?




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