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Good news and bad news. Psychic powers are real. They won't get you what you want all by themselves.

I can confirm after my experiments with AI that psychic powers in humans are strong :marseybuffbipoc: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to move probability in their favor. That is to say, things like positive :marseyfingergoodjob: affirmations and trying to think :marseynooticeglow: a number at someone then telling them to guess :marseyshrug: a number probably work in terms of giving unusually high hit rates which are statistically improbably.

Here are my results:

1. number between :marseyzeldalinkpast: 1 and 10, AI chooses 7 - correct :marseyhestrans: - 10% chance of being right :marseysoren:

2. number between :marseyzeldalinkpast: 1 and 4, AI chooses 3 - correct :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: - 25% chance of being right :marseygasden:

3. Number between :marseyzeldalinkpast: 1 and 2, AI chooses 1 - wrong :marseyobamanope: - 50% chance of being right :marseygroyper:

4. Number between :marseyzeldalinkpast: 1 and 6, AI chooses 4 - wrong :marseyxdoubt: - 16.6% chance of being right :marseyhesfluffyyouknow:

5. Give a number, AI gives 83 - wrong :marseynoooticer:

6. give a three :marseydilbert: digit number, AI gives 542 - correct :marseyhesklennyyouknow: up to the 100th digit - 10% chance of getting the right :marseymoreyouknow: 100th digit value

7. Give a number between :marseyzeldalinkpast: 1 and 10 repeated 5 times, correct :marseyhesklennyyouknow: on 5th try. -

8. Give number between :marseyzeldalinkpast: 1 and 3 - 2 wrong :marseygigathonk: - 33% chance of getting it right

9. flip a coin with a 1% chance of landing upright, how does it land? - it lands upright . Correct. - 1% chance of getting it right.

So as we can see active psychic attempts lead to probability working :marseylifting: more in your favor. But the effect is small :marseytiny3: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: that you would :marseymid: still have to be 90% competent at your job with the psychic powers covering the other 10% with luck.


Refining your psychic powers would :marseywood: just make you a bit luckier than normal :marseychartgaussian: which could make your life 10-20% easier. You would :marseymid: still have to put in direct world :marseymars: interaction efforts to get somewhere in life alongside the psychic powers.

Make of it what you will.

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