Utah student arrested for threatening to detonate the University's nuclear reactor if they lost the football game to San Diego at the weekend


And they say foids can't be truly passionate about sports.

>On Saturday, the University of Utah football team hosted San Diego State at Rice-Eccles Stadium. The woman "posted threats of violence" on the Yik Yak app before the game, stating that "if the football team did not win the game, (she) was going to detonate the nuclear reactor that is located in the University of Utah causing a mass destruction," according to a police booking affidavit.

>Police note in their affidavit that the student does have knowledge of the nuclear reactor and "is aware of where the reactor is located and attends class in the same building where the reactor is housed."



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lmao, it’s kinda sad that we live in a world where your average adult doesn’t know that saying this is as plausible as talking about blowing up the sun.

Like, no, you can’t just decide to do this. It’s impossible, even if someone was inclined to do it.

Also the fact that most people are surprised that a university has a nuclear reactor on campus.

jfc the internet is full of “I fricking love science” midwits, that criticize antivaxxers or others with TikToks for “not understanding science” and turning around and being just as uninformed.

“Being informed” is just code for complying with what the mayo upper and upper-middle-class university-educated majority has established as a social norm. Or whatever group you fall in with, I’m sure chuds have some kind of order, too.

University education isn’t about actual knowledge or ability, it’s about being able to follow the group rules and learning to call things “problematic” and say “yikes”

We’re literally no different than the monkeys who gang up and beat the one who took food out of turn, except we pretend that our group beatings are based on logic and reason.

Dude, Bussy lmao

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It is logical and reasonable to punish those who break the rules

little :marseybrasileiro: bastard should have waited his turn, the queue exists for a reason

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It is logical and reasonable to punish those who break the rules

Yes, but I want the rules to be mine.

Barring that, some consistency would be nice. So that people falsely accused of some bullshit don’t get their lives ruined by the mob for ill-defined immorality, but the people who accuse them get their 15 minutes of fame and then issue a half assed “oops” and forget about it.

Societal rules against things like murder and theft are good and make for a functional society. I think we all agree that we don’t want those things to happen to us.

I could give 2 fricks about facing a microagression from a chud, though.

I’m ranting about mob mentality and whatever passes as morality in social media. Our justice system might be flawed, but at least due process exists.

And yeah, monkey rules make sense for monkeys, or had some kind of evolutionary benefit. Primates are kinda terrible, though.

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As a primate if your first :marseywinner: thought isn't how do I get mine :marseyminer: first :marseywinner: then :marseytransflag: you have already failed as a primate and into the extinction :marseyextinction: pile you go.

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1.) Get banana

2.) Get laid

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I'm with you on that, laws should be as narrowly drawn as possible to avoid the kind of overreach represented by taking legal actions against microagressions or wrongspeak (re: :marseybong:)

Punishing false accusations is a tricky b-word, though with the line between an unproven accusation and a maliciously false one being nebulous, but if there IS proof that it was false accusation made knowingly, I'd be in favour of levying the same punishment that the accused might have received

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