Chad breaks stupid thinking machine, causes many emails to be sent

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of the human mind"

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Thou shalt not make a thinking machine in the likeness of a human mind, nor suffer such to exist.

From 'The Orange-Catholic Bible', Dune by Frank Herbert

the state of mechanical knowledge [is] far beyond our own, and advancing with prodigious rapidity, until one of the most learned professors of hypothetics writes an extraordinary book... proving that the machines were ultimately destined to supplant the race of man, and to become instinct with a vitality as different from, and superior to, that of animals, as animal to vegetable life. So convincing was his reasoning, or unreasoning, to this effect, that he carried the country with him and they made a clean sweep of all machinery... and strictly forbade all further improvements and inventions"

From Erewhon by Samuel Butler 1872.

The Men of Iron were an egregious heresy of the Dark Age of Technology and, in the Emperor's name, no such machine must ever be permitted to exist again.

From The Codex of the Omnissiah, The Adeptus Mechanicus, Warhammer 40k.

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