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Strong black man gets white man fired




Steve Nash is fired and since Kyrie is a seethe machine this reddit thread will likely have lots is angry posters

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Did you see who they are hiring to replace him? The Nets are wolfing down every dramapill they can get their hands on

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Why don't you go wolf :marseyroxy: down a dramapill and leave us alone.

TRANS LIVES :marseykneel: MATTER :marseykneel:


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Why don't you wolf down these nuts

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Shut you're piehole, you Neanderthal. @bbbb is not some caveman :marseycaveman: who grunts and chows down on rocks. @bbbb have manners and @bbbb take :marseyfry: my time :marseywait: enjoying my food.

TRANS LIVES :marseyblm: MATTER :marseypinkname:


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