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Nebraska interim head coach arrested for wife beating

Mickey Joseph is a former player, assistant coach and this year was the interim head coach after Scott Frost got shitcanned at Nebraska. He is universally loved, so this news comes as quite a shock to the cornhusker faithful.

For some backround, last week Nebraska hired fired Eagles coach Matt Rhule.

r/cfb reaction. Mods are strags there for sure

r/huskers reaction. They are speculating he got dropped from the staff and got drunk then beat his wife in a fit of rage.

Huskerboard geniuses:

His b-word could have been acting up and he was just chilling her out

World's smartest husker bought a camera to record himself in case he needs to beat his wife

He got caught as a peeping Tom in 1990, no charges cause football player

Husker fan places the blame on himself and the rest of the fans for putting too much pressure on him

Then finally, some cute twink Iowa fan doesn't think we should enjoy this. Hate the let's be the bigger person crowd.

Based Hawkeye ain't taking soyboy's shit

Between this and Florida's QB2 being a libertarian, it's a pretty dramatic day for college football.

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It's racist persecution like this that prevents football from having proportional black coaches

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Ill never hear the end of if. Im busy fricking with the arts students i dont need them talking about this instead

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Isn't that just par for the course for Nebraskans? Do they only recruit coaches from out of state?

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Frank Solich, Scott Frost and Mickey Joseph are all alums.

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should have used a stick smaller in diameter than his thumb. rookie mistake

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