Rarely see videos like this. It shows the exact moment when streets go from almost regular match-day traffic to balls-out national celebrations where trams need to be shepherded through by cops manually.
Obviously not suggesting you watch the whole video, but check out like 2:00 to 9:00.
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Left house today on Kellere's drugged recommendation. Sunlight brighter than I remember. Hurts eyes; skin. Paused to examine strange, Marsey-like creature lazing in next door garden, when elderly neighbour greeted me with "Good morning". A good sign: outside people growing increasingly woke on gussy question.
Before returning to attempted categorization of :marseygarden:, took opportunity to ask neighbour his thoughts Re: trains. In response he recommended an autism helpline, no doubt coyly referencing AGP phenomenon. Decided he was too much of a ruqqoid to be worth inviting to rdrama. Perhaps baitable? Will fetch cumjar and return to garden later.
Snapshots: (click to archive)
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