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DESPITE being a minority in Serie A, "darker-skinned" players receive more yellow and red cards than their light-skinned teammates :marseyblackgenocide: . r/soccer debates sample sizes and statistical significance





Beatrice Magistro and Morgan Wack

University of Toronto Department of Political Science


We used three versions of the Football Manager videogame (Football Manager, 2011, 2018, 2021) to collect data on player skin tones.


| Officials in Serie A awarded an average of 20% more fouls per season against darker-skinned players from 2009 to 2019, with 11% more yellow cards and 16% more red cards.

Well, that's quite worrying.

| It showed that lighter-skinned players were judged to have fouled an average of 21 times over a season compared with 25 for darker-skinned players, who got an average 3.9 yellow cards and 0.22 red cards per season compared with 3.5 yellows and 0.19 reds per lighter-skinned player.

Oh, so in reality it's an extremely small difference?

What would you consider a big difference substantively in this case? It seems like 20% difference in foul calls is quite large...

Well, if they're committing more fouls, it's natural to be picking up more cards, especially for repeat offenses of otherwise reasonable fouls. Trying to bend innocuous data to manufacture a narrative of statistically insignificant racism is incredibly counterproductive.

That's not at all how these regressions are run. I'm also not sure how you got insignificant from the results. They clearly show that fouls and yellow cards are well within the bounds for traditional statistical significance.


this is extremely unsurprising, unfortunately, and it seems like it's the case across basically every sport.

related: Baseball umpires call balls and strikes more favorably for white players than for non-white ones, [1], [2], [3],

Why is this downmarseyd? Racist white people getting triggered here? I don’t understand

I think this is universal

Agreed. I've always felt that subconscious/ covert racial prejudice is evident in football, and it's interesting to see some evidence supporting it.

It might just be confirmation bias on my part; but English commentators often seem to be more critical of black players, especially regarding their mental attributes. Lazy, poor decision making, etc, are used to describe black players disproportionately. It's no surprise when you read some of the right-wing media in the country.

Wow, the demand for racism far exceeds the supply

"White people are the reason you have your phone and internet and Wi-Fi and social media and language to complain about while people"

From your post history. You are part of the problem, so please go back to wanking over your Jordan Peterson books

What about that statement do you disagree with?

"what about my massively racist statement do you disagree with?"

you're a racist loser, dude.


| Magistro, from the University of Toronto, said most European countries collect very little data on race, which makes it “really hard to test” the level of racism in football.

This is an interesting point. In Italy (and in most of European continental countries) doing something like this is actually considered a very racist thing to do. This is mostly due to the fact that the last time these "races comparisons" were done was under fascism.

It's completely different comparing to Anglophile countries.

Edit: to be clear, I'm just giving you the general perspective. It doesn't mean I agree with that.

How is it racist to look at data on how different races are treated? You have to examine that data to get an understanding on how racism exists in a society. It blows my mind that people think looking at how different races are treated differently is actually racist in and of itself.

I would be interested in how it is a ‘very racist’ thing to do beyond the default to fascist history. Just because fascists did something at one point in time means that it carries over to the concept of racism in modern times?

| How is it racist to look at data on how different races are treated?

No one ever said that. The person you replied to talked about that it is deemed racist to collect this data on "race", which I (as a fellow European) agree.

| It blows my mind that people think looking at how different races are treated differently is actually racist in and of itself.

This concept of "races" that is tightly coupled with skin color is more of a North American thing in general. You will find data for example to see how many people from Ukraine or specific middle Eastern countries migrated. You won't find data how many of them had a specific skin color.

The person I replied to said:

in Italy (and in most continental European countries) doing something like this is actually considered a very racist thing to do

When talking about collecting data or looking at (ie analyzing) data when you read the context of data on race. How can you say no one said that when it is literally what I replied to.

| You won’t find data how many people of the had a specific skin color

Welcome to the conversation and how not collecting that data leads to the majority population ignoring disparities and inequalities and not examining discrimination and how it effects minority segments of the population.

| The person you talked about that it is deemed racist to collect this data on “race” which I (a fellow European) agree

Why? Why is it racist to collect (or look at) data on race/ethnicity?

What makes understanding societal differences racist?


unrelated drama in /r/soccercirclejerk:



I'm sure the kid only meant to make-believe to be his hero, we all pretended to be Ronaldo or Ronaldinho when playing on the street as children, it's natural for kids.

True. But his parents who helped put it on and let him out the house knew exactly what they were doing

just let the kids have fun there is 0 ill intent from someone that doesnt even know how to dress themselves in the morning

Hello, racist. You are the problem in society.

Bro im black

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LOL Osimhen

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I hate cancucks so fricking much. Literally concentrated weaponized soygoys of the world

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Magistro, from the University of Toronto, said most European countries collect very little data on race, which makes it “really hard to test” the level of racism in football. “A lot of studies have relied on very imperfect categorisations like country of origin, or putting all Europeans as white and South Americans as non-white, which is problematic,” she said.

least race obsessed canuck

:#marseysoypoint2: omg it's a BIPOC footballer folx!!!

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They stand out better on the bright pitch. Can't blame the sport-jannies too much for being stochastic refs.

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All I read is "Black players commit more fouls".

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Mayofoid :marseyworldcup:are some of the dirtiest players in all of sport


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This really explains why blacks commit r*pe at such a higher rate. They are probably just angry about a ticky-tack yellow card they got.

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