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🔥🔥🔥 :marseycountryclub: I went to LIV Adelaide and... [211 points, 55% upmarseyd, 632 comments] 🔥🔥🔥




That thread makes me want Arab oil money to arrive in the top 4 American sports leagues (MLS doesn't count)

I'm not writing them off based on the amenities.


Thanks for the update Greg


I suspect that if the PGA tour pulled their finger out and gave us an event here that had Rahm, Spieth, Thomas, Scheffler etc etc, that the crowds would be even bigger than the LIV ones this weekend. But I also think there's a snowballs chance in heck of that happening, so if LIV do an event in Sydney next year, I'm definitely going.


I got shit on the other day because some peepeeheads don't understand how fricked pro golf is in Aus so anything pro LIV being posted by an Aussie must be bots astroturfing.

Hopefully there can be a couple of events in Aus next year, I'd love to go to one in Sydney.


Attending an event won’t change my mind about the Saudi government. But you do you.

Question 🙋🏻‍♂️ how do you feel about the American government? As an American, I feel like we have one of the most corrupt governments around and I don’t see people boycotting our sports ever… weird.. I wonder what sways peoples opinions in such a way.

Edit: to all the people saying PGA isn’t funded by the US government… well your response is implying that the US government is corrupt but it’s not funding our sports… well.. yes it is. The US government gives all major sports tax exemptions. NFL gets the most. PGA doesn’t get as much because their revenue is lower.. but all of our sports are partially funded by the government.

Also, please boycott oil moving forward. I know y’all would hate to be hypocritical. [-47]



Prepare for downmarseys, the Americans are about to wake up and they don’t like anything to do with LIV. But honestly I’m totally with you, this was such a fantastic weekend in Adelaide. This is the future for so many people.


if ever I questioned a post was AI or not, of all places /r/golf… [-16]


Credit to /h/miners

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