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:marseydunk: :marseyfoidretard: does a heckin :marseygilead: on another :marseypenny: Nephews discuss.

Today, the WNBA announced that they're suspending the Las Vegas Aces head coach Becky Hammon for two games and fining the team a draft pick. Their crime? Trying to work around a pregnant player, Dearica Hamby. She's gotten pregnant twice in the past two years, in both instances having to miss significant time with the team. It seems that the the team and coach figured out about the second pregnancy and appeared to offer her a reduced contract in exchange for future salary and benefits later on under the table if she would accept. In addition, they straight up asked her if she was planning on being pregnant again.

Cue the :marseysoylentgrin: of r/NBA discussing this. They're universally taking the side of the player, because rule number one of simping is that women are always right. Never mind that the team and coach are trying to win, they have a finite salary cap and set number of players, and so having someone on their roster who can't play because she's got a bun in the oven has a serious impact on the team's competitiveness.

Of course, anyone who's been in the workforce for any length of time knows just how fricking annoying foids can be because of this. It ruins teams productivity and morale, and fricking sucks to have to do the work of other people while they keep getting paid because they're out preggers. My :marseysailor: budies have so many stories about how their ship's shops operated under the assumption that, while fully staffed on shore in the US, would see around 50 percent of the women get pregnant the moment it was announced they would be deployed, leaving them undermanned and overworked. Furthermore, despite society long recognizing that having jobs requires certain sacrifices and responsibilities that limit what you can do outside of work, the idea that you can't tell someone getting paid mid-6 figures that they need to wait a year or two to get pregnant is dumb af.

In any case, the great irony of this whole affair is that Becky Hammon has for years been alleging that the only reason she's not been offered a job in the NBA because of sexism. So it's nice to see her demonstrate that she can engage in anti-:marseyfoidretard: violence just as well as any old man can.

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What if she planned one pregnancy and the other was an accident? How can you blame her for that?

Abortion is legal in most states. Why are we coddling these athletes? If you have an unplanned pregnancy, you should have to pay the consequences for it. That’s how it would work for every other woman in society, no different here for these athletes.

So your suggestion is to force them to get an abortion?

Not getting paid $$ (guessing WNBA only gets two dollar signs) for doing nothing is the same as being forced to have an abortion.

Pregnant woman aren’t out looking for manual labour jobs that involve lots of walking or carrying heavy loads so I don’t see how that applies. We’re talking about a woman that signs a contract, that’s guaranteed to pay x amount of money, getting pregnant.

Signing a contract she has no intention of fulfilling. And sports clearly does have a similarity with manual labour, or else she'd be able to play still. What's this r-slur's point, that WNBA players run instead of walking? That basketballs aren't heavy?

Edit: Also ctrl+f "r*pe" for people acting as if that's the situation here.

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