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Sorry, chuds and chudettes - the :marseycanada: NHL :marseycanada: has corrected its grave error of going against teh :marseyhomofascist: ALPHABET NEW WORLD ORDER!! :marseyhomofascist: (sorta)


You can use the Rainbow Tape again, I believe.

Not sure about all the other potential things (jerseys, camo tape for vets/russkie flag colors on tape), but I think that's allowed too? But hey, if you ain't kowtowing to the NEW HOMO ORDER, you may as well be committing genocide, yeah? :chuditsovergenocide:

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Amazing how these multi billion dollar corps manage to flip :marseyfellowkids: flop and enrage :marseywingcuck: on both sides. "Dramapilled" but deeply :brainletcaved:

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