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:marcusfootball: IMPORTANT CFP DISCUSSION :!marcusfootball: for REAL football fans!

Michigan? :carpprotest: In. Washington? :marseyfurry: In.

But now… we are in the middle of chaos, ladies and gentlemen! :marseyfine: And between now and 11 AM (CT), the last two spots in the final four remain in question!

Therefore…I wanna hear from y'all! :marseygossipsmug:

POLL: Who of these teams gets in??

Hint - One of these choices can maximize /r/CFB sneed :marseysnoo: - so maybe that'll be a good thing?

BONUS: Which G5 team will go get their butt beat play in a NY6 bowl?

Note - a peculiar prot team here would cause even more sneed!

!football !dixie !poll_voters

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We only have two college football related marseys and that's a darn shame. :marseybadger: :marseylonghorn: 3 if you count :marseycoonass:

Oklahomacels, Aggiecels, Minnesotacels, Iowacels YOUR RIVAL IS BEATING YOU IN THE COLONIZATION OF RDRAMA :marseyraging:

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As a gopher, that badger marsey is disgusting. As a dramatard, a lack of a hawkeye marsey is wild considering iowa_hawkeye was a poweruser.

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i would be okay with a furk marsey

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