

The sociology we've got would give us theological moralizing about capitalism here.

The sociology we need would analyze this celebration of the victors with a symbolic sacrifice followed by consumption of the willing victim.

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This is extremely disrespectful to Palestians who do not have life size pop tarts.

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ATTN CUst Svcs, EXPADITE Rush Order, Unkle Kunkles SOOTHING Bomb INdicate For, Pox Of The Meatus. FREE Ship 48 State-FREE SHip THanx

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Anybody saying white people don't have any culture has never watched college football

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This is just like when Jesus said to eat his body and drink his blood


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This is the sort of video that would make some German guy be like "ze crass american consumer, ze post game should ich ben weinerschnitzel"

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The European mind cannot comprehend this

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Why are theyactikg so animalistic?

What is it with Burgers and food? Has there ever even been famine in US?

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Pop-Tart man has given of his own flesh to be consumed with joyous abandon

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It's like the Eucharist for capitalism

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>The sociology we've got would give us theological moralizing about capitalism here.

>The sociology we need would analyze this celebration of the victors with a symbolic sacrifice followed by consumption of the willing victim.

Reminds me of a MattY banger:

...I think most of the historians who are vocal on Twitter are pretty sincere anti-capitalists who genuinely don't think it's appropriate to evaluate their work on that basis. They don't think it's the purpose of the university to serve some kind of instrumental need of the labor market; they think that they are producing social goods that deserve to be subsidized and supported. And on one level, that aligns with a very old-fashioned understanding of higher education. But at the same time, if you were to ask most people what kind of non-pecuniary values they think are important, I think they would come up with a list of values that was dramatically more conservative — more religious and dramatically more patriotic — than the ones that actually existing college professors uphold. I think if you wanted to say, look the world needs to pay us to explain the greatness of the American story to the youth of tomorrow, even if the labor market doesn't care about that, then a lot of the public would say “yeah, that makes sense.” But historians don't want to do that job, so they're left in a difficult corner.

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Pop Tarts are for people who think adding a preserve to toast is a difficult recipe.

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Love to Lick kiss whiff of your intoxicateding Womenly musty musk's sweated Scent 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦🤤👅😛👅💦😘💦😋💦👃💦🤤💦👃💦😋💦👅💦💦🤤😛🍓👅


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