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Sports Bets

Any interest in a sports betting ping group?

As a pre-release here was my last week and next week's bests:


+$49.80 on $35 risk


Potential +$127.5 with $104 risk

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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!football footstrags, this includes you. This is for all sports betting. So, foids sports too.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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oh I thought gambling DC :marseyrain:

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We will hopefully have that for the NFL playoffs.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I've never bet in my life. But it's time to start throwing away money maybe.

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I do more daily fantasy now, just because I found myself doing 5 or 6 leg parlays to try to get a decent payout off of $15/20 bets. If I win anything less than a couple hundred in a weekend I just gamble it all away again in pursuit of an amount worth withdrawing

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Dfs is the best. Can throw in a $5 lottery ticket that can win 20k

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I suck at that shit but I can land the spreads alright. Everyone is into DFS or prop bets these days but I don't get it. It's way easier for me to just bet on teams with the usual shit.

I can only do NFL and sometimes hockey though. My one degenerate asain friend bets on literally everything.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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what site do you use?

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That's the Hard Rock Bet app. It's only in a handful of states I think.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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My plan is to buy a slumlord rental property in a shithole city, get a bunch of illegal women living there on section 8, knock them all up while keeping my name off the birth certificates, and then report them to health and human services once they can't make babies any more. My kids will end up in the foster care system, where the half-mexican boys will be turned gay by libertarians (thereby preventing dilution of white women and ensuring that the gays are too busy with brown kids to molest white kids), and the girls will do as hapa/castillo girls do and exclusively date white guys.

Without their kids the illegal women will invariably go insane or kill themselves, ensuring that tax dollars don't go towards their maintenance in old age.

I also want to set up something that looks from the outside like a hippy commune, but is actually a fascist compound - American Juche with Crunchy Granola Characteristics, if you want to get technical. All the women will wear sundresses and sandals, all the men will be jacked, and the only thing vaccinated will be the livestock. As long as we say on paper that our kids are all gay or trans, and all the men and women are gay or trans, we should escape notice until it's too late. If the feds try to pull an ATF we'll put the men in sundresses and play music at them until they go away, or do oiled up Greco-Roman wrestling until they get uncomfortable and look away.

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