Breaking: Pete Carroll is expected to be out as the Seahawks' head coach, sources told @AdamSchefter.
— ESPN (@espn) January 10, 2024
He still could remain in the organization, but not as the head coach.
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All scripture inspired by God has a similar message. Programming is a way of expressing ideas, just like any kind of writing. And where are ideas best expressed? In scripture. I try to use the writing style of the Torah as my guide for how I should program. Biblical Hebrew is a very simple language, yet the Torah expresses profound ideas in a simple and direct way using this language. This is exactly what one wants from good programming. And Luan is designed for this kind of programming.
Look at modern western culture, especially the culture of Silicon Valley. Can any religious person deny that this culture is the product of Satan? And so their software is inspired by Satan. Is this the kind of software that a Muslim or any religious person should use?
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