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Global population decline is not going to reverse.

Here is why:

1. The fertility rate in China is the lowest it has ever been and still declining.

2. The fertility rate in India is the lowest it has ever been and still declining.

3. The fertility rate in the US is close to the lowest that it has ever been and is expected to keep declining decade of decade of stay at the same below replacement level at best.

4. The fertility rate in Indonesia is the lowest that it has ever been and is still declining.

5. The fertility rate in Pakistan is the lowest that it has ever been and is still declining.

This trend holds for almost all the countries in the world.

The bottom floor of all nations fertility rates so far appears to be below replacement rates if it is at all found.

There seems to be a direct correlation between declining fertility rates and increasing national income per capita.

The world is getting richer year on year.

The world fertility rate is declining by more than 1.3% every single year. By those numbers the global fertility rate would have halving every half a century.

Global fertility rate based on current and past trends will either stabilize around 1.3-1.5, or it will halve to 1.1 by 2070. As of now falling to 1.1 seems more likely.

The global population collapse crisis is the greatest crisis that will face humans in the next two generations ( climate change crisis is already set to be solved by technology today ), as it will require the complete remapping of how economies are built.

Chuds hate this fact, but the only available solution to the population collapse crisis is importing people from other places, until you bring in enough people with a strong reproductive instinct to maintain population stability.

The population crisis likely stems from the fact that tripling down on getting as many productive workers as possible has led to the mass die off of highly reproductive populations which could not compete. Intelligence is not the be all end all as without a strong enough reproductive instinct in humans, the species dies no matter how smart it is.

Korea and Japan are proof that putting all points in technological development by itself is useless to a society.

The west actually has the best fertility rates in the world, this is due to the fact that they see the slowest declines in fertility compared to the rest of the world. This is what guarantees that the west will be the final survivor on a developed planet.

Most of the world is going to fall into decline in this century and the next and there is nothing to be done about it. East Asia is set to fall, and so is South East Asia, middle east, Russia, Central Asia, South America, and South Asia based on fertility trends. The only two stable groups of humanity today are the west and Africa. As of now Africa is winning.

What does it mean? It means that there is a higher than not chance that humanity is indeed going to become dumber over time, to the point where it falls back down to 1900s level of intelligence.

Human intelligence growth on a global scale likely ebbs and flows, where the non reproducing super geniuses create ideas ahead of their time, then the normies take a 100 years for the normies to easily get the idea as the average person's level of intelligence goes up. This would often lead to global technology and innovation peaking, then stagnating or even declining by a century or two, before the next burst of human intelligence outbreak.

We are already seeing this trend hit in European nation states where intelligence levels have begun to decline across generations. There is a real chance that European civilization is going to take an outright step back in terms of intelligence and innovation rather than just stagnate.

The solution to global intelligence collapse:

The easiest solution to the global intelligence collapse would be to keep African civilization as a separate society excluded from the west. This way we would end up with two sub branches of humanity where one is a whole lot dumber but far stronger reproductive capabilities, while the other is far smarter but worse reproductive capabilities.

The main advantage may still go to the west if they are able to maintain this exclusion zone by maintaining their borders, which would allow them to go out of their way to only handpick the top 0.1-1% of top performing Africans to be integrated into western society.

Think of every single civilization as a bucket with holes in it, causing every single bucket to leak at different rates. Whoever has the last bucket with water still in it wins. The west is not the slowest leaking bucket so what it does it take a spoonful of water from the top of every other bucket to maintain itself. As long as it takes in enough water from other buckets that other buckets leak out faster than the west, the west wins.

The primary advantage that the Europeans have is that even if they became dumber, they would still be the smartest dumb group in the world along with the largest dumb people economy in the world.

The goal of the west is not to be the smartest people in the world, the goal of the west is to be just smart enough to be smarter than everybody else without their population collapsing.


Intelligence is a bit overrated. A society is doing fine as long as it maintains an IQ around 100 on the global scale and is smart enough to keep developing its technologies. Being too smart can lead to societal collapse. The next hundred years of society will fail without immigration. That immigration has to be of high quality individuals. The world is going to split between the Western world and Africa.

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