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Woman sues bar after getting so drunk she blew up $10M home :marseysteer: :!marseyakbar:




https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841356117704473.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841356126994495.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841356134085345.webp

She was so bombed she blew up a house.

A Canadian woman who caused $10 million in damages after driving drunk, crashing into a house and causing an explosion is now suing the concert venue that provided her alcoholic beverages --- as she claims the owners are to blame.

The "car bomb" fiasco occurred in August 2019 while Daniella Leis, 26, was driving home from a Marilyn Manson concert at the Budweiser Gardens arena in London, Ontario, the CBC reported.

After drinking at the show and getting behind the wheel, Leis crashed her Ford Fusion --- registered to her father --- into a brick home at 450 Woodman Ave., rupturing a gas line and triggering a massive explosion that destroyed four houses and injured seven people.

Falling embers led to blazes in several homes nearby --- and the entire neighborhood had to be evacuated, with gas and water service shut off in the area. All told, the blast reportedly caused damages in the neighborhood of $9.8 million to $14.7 million.

"The financial impact of Ms. Leis' actions have been enormous, with a total damage estimate approaching $15 million," Judge George Orsini told the court.

Meanwhile, victims included two police officers and two firefighters who suffered numerous injuries, with one firefighter forced to spend more than a week in a hospital before being discharged.

Leis subsequently pled guilty to four counts of impaired driving, and was was slapped with a three-year prison sentence in 2021.

However, the Canuck wasn't about to throw away her shot at easing the financial strain.

This month, she and father Shawn Leis filed a lawsuit against Ovations Ontario Food Services, the company that distributed the hooch. They claim that the libations purveyor shares liability for the blast on the grounds that staffers "ejected Leis from the venue while failing to take steps to ensure she would not drive home," according to the legal documents.

In addition, Leis also alleged that Ovations had served her alcohol while aware that the bargoer was intoxicated, accusing them of putting "profit above safety," and that the resulting damage was "caused or contributed to by the negligence, breach of duty, breach of contract" by the bar.

As reparations, they believe that the booze distributor is responsible for "any awards or judgment amounts" resulting from multiple court claims levied against them by Woodman Avenue victims.

That is, if the father-daughter duo is required to pay any amount, then they are "entitled to contribution and indemnity from [Ovations]."


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>drives car

>blows up an entire neighborhood

>only 3 years in prison

>blames everyone but herself

Woman moment

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apparently she's also 'indigenous' and got the judge to argue it down at least partly because of the gladue report. which says that judges legally aren't allowed to sentence native people with the normal sentence for what they're charged with, without considering every other possibility like lower sentences, community service, counselling etc.

imagine having the power to get off charges for blowing entire neighbourhoods up and just deciding to stay on the res and die of alcoholism instead. could never be me

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Holy shit that sounds beyond r-slurred

I thought every man was supposed to be equal before the law? Most countries at least try to pretend that's the case

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If you remember a few months back when those Native shitbags stabbed 10 people to death and injured a bunch of others, those were gladue report success stories :heart: one of the brothers alone had 59 different convictions for violent shit like assault. But they're not allowed to punish them

The thing is, those people primarily just murder, kill, r*pe, etc. on the res. So the gladue report is just making sure that life on the res gets even worse. There's a lot of "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women/Girls" and there were talks of laws giving harsher sentences to people who partake in trafficking and violence against Native women. But statisically it's almost always Native men doing MMIWG crimes. So wtf would it even accomplish lol

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Literal systemic racism, why do Canadians get to have all the fun but none of the fame?

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Leafistan is a meme country but the mayocide is one of the few good things we've got going on :marseymaid4: just unfortunate the gov mandated native killers mostly target lil native girls :marseyrain:

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This isn't just another woman moment, this has to be the pinnacle of all woman moments.

The sheer fricking volume of damage done by this dumb c*nt, only for her to refuse that she was responsible for any of it, is just staggering.

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>Get drunk

>Have s*x

>Car bomb half a county

That's r*pe, coersion, neglect, poisoning with intent to harm, and criminal gaslamping. Lock up the remaining county, and pay her in their assets.

I'm starting to think Canada's genuinely not real, and it's just a rightwing psyop

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The muslims would've gotten away with 9/11 if they used women hijackers

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They would have crashed into a mosque by accident

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Just use white women hijackers and tell them there are golden retrievers in the towers

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Keep yourself safe

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no u

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