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  • rDramaHistorian : All kinds of reazuns and logix... Occam's razor just say foids be lyin & shit

:marseywallgenocide: For the first time since such statistics started being recorded, almost a quarter of U.S. women under 35 have not had s*x in the past year, and that number is exponentially rising :marseywallgenocide:





However -

The chart only goes to 2021, and the number of people who were self isolating in 2020 and 2021 was quite high. I'm interested to see the numbers from 2022 and 2023 to see if the trend continues or goes back to looking closer to what came before the pandemic.


The pandemic will still lead to some lasting changes that will be integral to daily life from now on. It's possible that women realizing no s*x is better than bad s*x, or how happy we are not being toyed around with or mistreated, is one of them.

yet you get lots of :soyjaktantrumfast: at the mere mention of body count

Hmmm well abortion rights have been restricted, other women's right attacked, the incel Andrew Tate group grows, and young men are turning more conservative…

pendulum is shifting, sweatie :chudsmug:

Don't forget porn sick too


The data is all from before RvW was overturned.

So women are even more Celibate now

reddit foids? absolutely not :#marseyfans:

Yes. I can relate. I'm 23 years old and still a virgin. I never thought I would make it this long without ever having s*x, but hooking up or being used for s*x is not something I'm interested in.

:#marseytrad: :#marseysurejan:

Well, well... if isn't the consequences of men's own actions. You bring nothing to the table, you demand everything on the table, and you make women's lives harder, sadder, and more violent. My husband is thankfully a good man, but if he ever dies I will absolutely not for one second be lonely or desperate enough for peepee to date one of today's men. Not a single one of them is worth the time, effort, or labor.

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>a quarter of pre-wall foids haven't had s*x in at least a year

I wonder what their BMI is :marseyhmm:

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God darn it's so true lol, I've been dating a few years and the amount of just obese chicks is insane. I'm not saying just a little overweight, I mean like unfrickably fat

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The fricking amount of fat foids is too fricking darn high. Daily i see people with a fricking large fupa.

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unfrickably fat

Me taking that as a challenge


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