Boyfriend(22M) couldn't stop liking half naked pictures of other women so I(21F) posted one of myself.
Alright my (22M) boyfriend has started following a lot of instagram women. Not regular ones I don't mind those but particularly the ones in lingerie, and with their butt out. Even was watching their OF. I(21F) told him it made me uncomfortable and to stop but his response was “it's just Instagram”.. “you're doin too much”.. “it's not that serious” and he kept doing it.. well I posted some pictures of me in a g string bikini.. butt out and all, he saw it and started freakin out. Slamming doors and yelling.. He was like “ew you don't respect yourself, gurls who do that are hoes.. that's embarrassing I don't want my gf doing that bro that's weird..” and he is mad like really mad. I He told me to take it down and I said “no isn't this wat you like to see” and his response again was “you're in a relationship why would you do that..” and I said “im only postin wat you like” after i said that he started ignoring me it's been hours and honestly idc. I don't feel bad at all.. for months I was uncomfortable and asked him to stop and he couldn't so yea. Now he's a victim of a crime he participates in ☺️
Could be a bait account but
Her other posts https://old.reddit.com/user/Ok_Computer2422/submitted
This is great way to keep a man around
Now these foids get it Will they learn anything from it?
Please keep us updated! I'm hoping your next BF is much more understanding!
Realest comment there.
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This never happened.
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You are hilariously generous in what you assume about scrotes if you think they couldn't be this r-slurred.
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