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:marseyfoidretard: wonders if her totally nice boyfriend:marseydomesticabuse: getting into full-blown fist-fights:marseypunching: once a month is normal.




We live in a relatively safe big city (Dallas). So far this year, my boyfriend has gotten into fights at bars, at the gym, on public transport and during pick up basketball games. This has resulted in a few stitches and many bruises. He's not (at least in my experience) an aggressive guy and so I'm just wondering if getting physical is a common occurrence that men have to deal with.

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Unironically the world would be a better place if men were allowed to square up and kick the shit out of each other to settle petty squabbles.

None of this knife pulling, bear hugging crap. Just one man feels slighted so he gets to demand the other put his dukes up and go a round or two.

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Bring back dueling

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The problem is the people most in need of an orderly way to fight out their disputes have no honor. (I mean the Kara-Khitai, of course.)

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None of this knife pulling, bear hugging crap. Just one man feels slighted so he gets to demand the other put his dukes up and go a round or two.

Frick that straggy shit "oh noes u have ta tak eur beating knive no fair!" if it's worth punching himover it's worth pulling a blade

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