isn't 1 more than enough
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>foids screeching about anything a man does, calling it "mansplaining", "manspreading" and so on
Thats fine.
>foids get a taste of their own medicine
Uh. The patriarchy grants every moid power over every foid. Even the lowly backwoods moid welder in Arkansas has more power than a successful journo foid in NYC.
Using terms such as man spreading and mansplaining is just speaking truth to power.
>patriarchy grants every moid power over every foid
I use my male gaze to make them submit to s*x acts they don't want to do and to accept 70% of the wage for a job similar to mine.
Women are strong and can do anything as well as or better than moids, but are physiologically incapable of saying no to a man
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Thats fine.
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Uh. The patriarchy grants every moid power over every foid. Even the lowly backwoods moid welder in Arkansas has more power than a successful journo foid in NYC.
Using terms such as man spreading and mansplaining is just speaking truth to power.
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I use my male gaze to make them submit to s*x acts they don't want to do and to accept 70% of the wage for a job similar to mine.
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Women are strong and can do anything as well as or better than moids, but are physiologically incapable of saying no to a man
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