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No one has ever said that

Foids are the consoomer s*x

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Yeah, women are the overwhelming majority of consumer spending. I've never seen anyone suggest otherwise. :marseyfoidretard:

It's why films, television, social media, etc. are all designed to cater to them. The more women something draws in, the more money advertisers will spend. :marseymoney:

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capeshit is still the domain of the moids :#marseydisney:

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Sort of. Men are more likely to see capeshit in theaters, but women watch so much more streaming media in general, I wouldn't be surprised if total viewership numbers even out after home release. Of course, since no streaming service is releasing comprehensive and accurate viewership data, it's impossible to know for sure. :marseyshrug:

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Judging by how sexless every capeshit :marseysociety2: actress is and the by how much of all data on the internet :marseymetokur: is capeshit :marseyspiderman: fan fiction, I beg to differ. Every capeshit :marseyfunkobox: film is screen :marseycursor: tested to ensure maximum foid palatability.

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