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There's not enough quality men :marseygigachad: to date OPINION : :taylorlorenzcrying:TwoXChromosomes




The thing is, realistically, most women want variations of the same thing. We want a guy with a job, whose nice, and decent looking (some wiggle room here as we all find different things attractive) and who we also have feelings for and things in common with. Someone we enjoy spending time around. Kind of like a friend we also want to have s*x with. It's my opinion it shouldn't be that hard to find this. It's not asking for too much. If you're a semi functioning adult you will check most of these boxes.


Yet, most men don't want serious relationships that is why the dating scene is fricked up.

Finally reveals her lived truth and that's that men dont want to commit(to her). Which is odd...until you look into her post history and you discover that she trully cannot even...drive a car properly


Can't take advice on how to drive


Posts a bunch in /r/datingover30

Of course she's a teacher who unaabashedly lies to her students(about being single)


This is what she brings to the table, and wonders why the average man wont commit.


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When will women :marseyuterus: learn :marseymoreyouknow: genuinely good men are either taken early or taken often LMAO

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"Maybe if I frick every loser on tinder for the next few years I'll eventually stumble on Mr. Right!"


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"No! If I withhold s*x for the first six months then that'll weed out the creeps and players." Then she ends up with the ugly losers she describes. lol


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!biofoids do women actually think withholding s*x for long periods is a good idea or is it just cope from uggos and low Tcels?

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Lame tactic, never thought about doing that ( plus high Tcel here, so I'm typically a :marseycoomer2: anyway)

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People died faced down in the mud for you to become a whore smh

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Heck yeah! God bless America :marseylibertyfireworks:

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Eh, I mean waiting does obviously weed out guys who aren't truly looking for a relationship, but it honestly only really makes sense if you also have a religious/moral rationale for being chaste. And if you desire a man with similar religious/moral views. Otherwise you're just kinda playing games.

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I get not giving it up on the first date but are posts on two from women who have been on 5+ plus dates and interacted daily for months with their boyfriends and still not fricked them

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Given my understanding of women it often does. Sounds like it weeds out you.

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She weeded me out when she revealed that she lacks the mental capacity to drive a car.


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Thats all foids tho

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Danica Patrick says she can drive a car



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Nah she's just been pretending to drive this whole time. I could drive circles around that dumb ho but they won't let men compete against women nascar drivers unless I chop my peepee off and take HRT.

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Why learn to drive when you can pay a guy to drive you around with mediocre handjobs? :marseyshrug:

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Wait this isn't how you guys pay for Uber?

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:marseyindignant: I give mindblowing handies

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Same time as when men learn genuinely good women are either taken early or taken often.

Losers come in all genders.

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This is why I tell my cousin not to frick around with girls and look for a good quality women while he's still young. He tries to say he can find a woman when he's in his 30s… but that's like going to a buffet near closing and wondering why all the good food is taken

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Test this hypothesis next generation.

Edit: He could just ignore all old woman screeching and marry young woman at 50

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>he didn't lock down his wife at 18


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These womyn talk about feminism :marseypussyhat: a lot are not of that high quality :marseygem: either.

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>posts in /r/SingleAndHappy

>seething about men not committing to her


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A happy single person would not post in a subreddit about being single and happy

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I am a hardcore leftist and would like to find someone with similar or at least someone who understands the importance of politics and protecting minority communities.

I wonder why she can't find any leftoid guys "with a job, whose nice, and decent looking"?

>whose nice

Obvs doesn't teach grammar. If only science could figure out how to give this chick a personality transplant she might have a chance.

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And now we reach the core of the issue. Only what, like 12% of the pop are hardcore lefties? And more women than men? Like you can't knock out almost 90% of men and then whine you lack options.

And yeah lol her grammar sucks

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Only what, like 12% of the pop are hardcore lefties? And more women than men

Theoretical statistical analysis can be misleading though, because it assumes variables are independent. When they aren't, things like finding a left wing male who's masculine and attractive become even less likely than simple multiplicative probability suggests.

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It's basically just one dude named Hasan and he's kind of a coward

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!incels come get your daily refill of reasons to hate women

Reality is this is hard to find. After a year of being single I JUST started dating a dude that I feel genuinely attracted to that is as equally driven as I am. But darn, I went on a few dates where at the end of each one I wondered if I was too picky.

This poor woman was single for a whole year! Could you even imagine being single that long omg

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I don't have to imagine baby :marseycool:

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:#marseyrain: yes

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This but unironically, imagine actually being single for an entire year lmao

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Those of the shadow, strive to walk the path of silver, as it has been and will be since the first sun set, to the last moon rise. In these days of hebrew grey withering silver is hard to come by, harder still, untarnished silver. :marseyrain:

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Fat fat fat fat, gay gay gay gay gay gay gay, fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat, gay gay gay gay gay. Fat gay fat gay fat gay fat gay fat gay fat gay fat, gay gay, fat fat.

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decent looking (some wiggle room here as we all find different things attractive)


Kind of like a friend we also want to have s*x with


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lol imagine taking 4 months to learn to drive an automatic. Like seriously, don't most people understand all the basics in like a day?

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i learned to drive in a manual farm truck at like eight years old lmao

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Driving a stick takes an old beater and an hour in a parking lot if your IQ is above 95.

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!r-slurs new peepeehands lore!

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Same :marseyxd:

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People like you instinctively veer into the adjacent lane when turning because you're expecting a much larger turning radius and it activates my almonds :marseyraging:

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100% anxiety. Driving makes her nervous, being nervous distracts her, she constantly learns nothing

Unironically why city driving took me so long to get down (still hate it tho)

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I was driving proper my first time and out on the street by my second. I'd have a license if anyone in my family ever bother taking me out one more time to learn how to reverse park

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>We want a guy with a job, whose nice, and decent looking (some wiggle room here as we all find different things attractive) and who we also have feelings for and things in common with. Someone we enjoy spending time around. Kind of like a friend we also want to have s*x with. It's my opinion it shouldn't be that hard to find this. It's not asking for too much.

No, this isn't asking for very much, but what's in it for me? Besides kitty, I mean. Cause kitty isn't worth putting up with some person who is boring in every other way AND wants to have a relationship with you as opposed to just casual s*x.

Note that this woman has not written a single thing about herself that would explain why I should see her as interesting, why I should have feelings for her, what sort of things I would have in common with her (probably not many), why I would enjoy spending time around her, or why I would want to be friends with her, whether the kind of friend who has s*x or not.

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What alot of them don't get is as men mature and get into their 30s, just the attention of a girl they find somewhat attractive isn't enough, and we get a lot pickier with who we really see ourselves with. We become less shallow versions of ourselves, and some types of women really seethe about it that they have to impress a bit too

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Omg they have a subreddit for driving. Is it all women?

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Is it all women?

I mean, at least moreso than /r/actuallesbians


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/r/gaybros has more women than /r/actuallesbians

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Both have the same population of women, one is being coerced into suckign the shenis and one is trying to coerce into licking the hegina.

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Swap :marseyfoidretard: for :marseymoidmoment: and you have an :carpincel: post

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she needs a pizzashill BF to crash the car of fr

I could fix her but won't

dude bussy lmao

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:#marseyextinction: :#marseygoodnight: :#marseycoffee:

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There are two things every man should know.

1. Love himself no matter what.

2. Always keep improving himself.

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Majority of modern men fail at both.

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Modern women and modern men deserve each other, there's never been a more perfect parity between the sexes than this moment. If you can't marvel at the beauty of subaltern love then you don't deserve to have that subhuman heart warmed. Only Chad has retained his fully humanity, he doesn't even know that anything has gone wrong, Chad is simply a term for the old blood, someone that survived through genetic and social change of the Cultural Ragnarok of Post Modern Life while retaining the Metropole soul.

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Last time I ragnarocked a modern woman, old blood is what made my metropole come to post-modern life. If you know what I mean.

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good channel

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It's genuinely amazing watching the red pill (man, remember those lolcows :boomer:) get repackaged with pretty pictures and so many people love it

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Government actually flooded the workplace with women because black men were on the come-up

Learned this from rightoids

Basically in the 60s we were set to have trad black and white families, dudes would be rocking across the melanin spectrum

Government said lol no and threw women into the mix, devaluing labor and fricking up the gender dynamics irreparably

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As an agender observer, just reading though here, there are so many horror stories. I was pretty aware of all of these types of horrific men (as a bearded masc-appearing amab person, these disgusting creeps often let their “act” down and show their true selves around me pretty often), but the sheer amount…

This is just horrific.

Does the amount of these horrific men harm the motivation to sift through the pile, so to say? I'd assume that staying in peaceful solitude is much easier than the effort it takes to expose oneself to all that.

It's kinda why, even though I'm bisexual, I don't really date men. There's so many gross and s*x-obsessed men out there that it's just not really worth it to me. I don't wanna be putting up with creep behaviour, or have to “fix” someone. I'm not attracted to toxicity in any form anyway… which cuts out so many, and then I'm kinda hesitant to search for the few left. Tons lie or overinflate themselves anyways, so there's just kinda like… nothing left.

that's got to be the lowest T comment I think I've ever read

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I lost T reading it

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Thank you for the warning, it stopped me from reading it.

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