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Woman is a “femcel” because she believes she is way hotter than she is and guys she thinks are ”worthy” of her wouldn't even give her a second glance


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How is that any different from moid incels? They're all broke-butt cave trolls trying to punch above their weight class. They'd be fine if they just fricked some fat b-word, but they think they're too good for that. :marseypaperbag:

Honestly, all uggos should just be airdropped on an island somewhere. Either they die out, or their uggo progeny evolve into something that isn't even vaguely human. Either way, the rest of us won't have to look at them anymore. :marseyindignantturn:

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They'd be fine if they just fricked some fat b-word, but they think they're too good for that.

Only fatties should be forced to frick fatties


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How is that any different from moid incels?

It's not, truly the :#marseyhorseshoe: is always correct.

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Average :marseyaveragetotally: incel :marseyelliotrodger3: is a complete mediocre, average :marseyaveragetotally: looking :marseyflirt: guy. More likely than not exercises frequently and dresses decent. But has horrible social :marseyblm: problems and enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: autism :marseyneko: to affect his life but not enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: for a diagnosis :marseydoctor: or neetbux

Refer to the incels :marseyitsover: meetup picture

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post incel meetup pic

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they tried that, it was a miserable failure.

surely you have heard of Australia?

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Sounds like a great concept for a reality show lol

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