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This was all i needed to read, this gave me everything in need to know

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The foid is wrong but

There's a thing that happens with people who have fairly average intelligence when they encounter someone who "sounds" smart, a sort of instinctive thing where they assume the smart person is not talking absolute bollocks because they're using big words and terms they don't understand and they seem self-assured.

this is so true, I even had freshman classmates 3 weeks into univerity that started talking about "how this must be statistically significant" or "yeah but that would have a pretty low p value" in everyday conversation thinking they sound smart/cool. Maybe this wowed their still highschool girlfriend, but please shut the frick up. :marseyeyeroll2:

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Just go NC with your family and extended family..

Some people value science field more than arts.


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:marseyshook: Actual contributions to humanity are more valuable than my Stalin erotica????

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Any PhD who self-assuredly calls themself intelligent may not have been paying enough attention.


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When you get to higher-tier schools, there's not a single humble PhD in sight

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Dunno, I worked with a lot of Chinese PhD students who didn't have crazy egos. I saw one politely shut down a woke machine learning engineer once which was kinda funny

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They're right but also every PhDcel is an egotistical r-slur

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>two First Class Masters degrees in literature from a world class university

>Name drops Cambridge

She didn't go to a world class university.

This dumb b-word is just jelly and seething she's no longer the golden child.

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a PHD in physics or math mogs the frick out of literally any combination of english degrees you can get.

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[Never earned over £25k in a year, never had a salaried position with the benefits and security, frequently underemployed and overlooked by employers because they see little worth in lit studies. I did the extra education because I wanted to do a PhD, not because I thought it would make me money which, in this part of the world, it really doesn't. Had to go back to uni to get an extra qualification in marketing just so I could get a job that isn't waitressing.] (https://old.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/18ytdhj/my_family_says_my_brother_is_a_genius_and_treat/kgnkn1q/?context=8)

>I spent years in school for two degrees that cannot possibly help me get a job

>why doesn't my working class family think I'm smart


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People think :marseygigathonk: Mandela :marseymandela: was a genius? The frick

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I think she just wanted to diversify her genius list and he was the only black person she could think of


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Yeah Ben Carson was my go-to smart neighbor, but he's wildly dumb. Great surgeon. Just wildly stupid outside of the hospital.

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But it just dawned on me that the genius :marseyslab: oop probably equated a nobel peace :marseytombstone: prize :marseyawardretard: to a nobel prize :marseyawardretard: in chemistry.

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I mean, she can probably go make more money than him in the corporate world if she leverages her two Masters degrees into some kind of management position.

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They're in Lit. :marseylaughwith: A masters in Education would give her more leverage.

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Degrees in a fake field have her well positioned for some gender grifting job

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good morning


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