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Foid streamer has a list of people she had s*x with, ranked by peepee size and performance :marseythissmall:




Dennis Reynolds type shit

"Stop objectifying women"

Meanwhile her sexcel spreadsheet:

James Length: 4.75in Width: 2.25in Thrust power: 6/10 Stamina: 4/10 Ejaculate: 5/10. 7/10 with 🍍.

Like bro this the most objectifying shit I've ever seen. GTFO.

Sounds like someone's mad they would be near the bottom of the list :#marseysmug2:

Wtf is wrong with these people imao

Active in /r/Destiny according to subreddit tagger

Just FYI, your streamer has a list too: https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/q1pgf8/destiny_has_a_frick_buddy_spreadsheet

He also shared a girl's nudes without her consent.

Just making sure you're equally disgusted about this and not a hypocrite.

this guy is a hasan fan (unsurprising) but he also used to post on /r/drama :#marseydramautist:

reveal yourself :#marseydetective:

Bro she started passing the list around the room too lmfao these hoes wild

she's used to passing things around :#marseyfans:

Imagine you slept with a girl and she hands her friends a detailed list of how good you were in bed, how big your genitals were etc πŸ’€πŸ’€

And no one in that room confronted her at all Wtf

This clip will haunt her future husband

No it wont. Any guy who is crazy enough to go near her after this, is extremely mentally ill.


Any guy wouldn't give a frick cause it's irrelevant lmaoo,

Sounds like someone wants to be on the list :#marseynotes:

She isn't gonna sleep with you lil bro you can stop white knighting under every comment on the thread 🀑

The way you incels think anyone not dogpiling on a women is doing it for s*x lmaoo, πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘


A lot of people here don't realize the character that streamers are playing, none of this is real y'all and Emily is one of the best actresses that does it.

>the list isn't real


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She's mad ugly too lmao.

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