:marseywitch2: says EMPLOY FEMALE ENGINEERS


Further to the stream last night, Odysseus has successfully landed on the moon.


The control room was filled with moids, and it turns out us dramanauts weren't the only ones to notice.


NASA is filled with foids. NASA has to outsource everything to companies filled with moids. :marseywrongthonk:




Destroyed with facts and logic.


Wait, is this a leftoid complaining about illegal immigrants taking her jerb? Is it a feminist rightoid? Let's check her profile.


ok what

@HeyMoon I found your Twitter account

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Unironically true. I hear so many people complain about how "women are discriminated against in engineering jobs" but it's the literal exact opposite. Special events for women, special career fairs for women, jobs that are reserved just for women. It's no surprise than women in their 20s earn more than men while also working fewer hours.

There was even one time where a completely incompetent black woman was interviewing for a job. I said "no" after the interview because she had literally zero clue what she was doing. Management tried getting me to change my vote, literally "she would look really good for our diversity metrics". Which is really no surprise since HR is dominated by women.

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The discrimination is having to put up with weirdo neurodivergent moids who alternate between wanting to frick you and wanting to kick you out of their dweeb clubhouse.

But if you can combine basic Python knowledge with a high tolerance for spergs and being lectured at by moids dumber than you are, then it's like $200k easy.

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I'm sure that was more prevalent in the past, but I think you're not considering how much more strict HR is at modern tech companies. I know people say "but you're a moid you wouldn't understand" but I'm in the same meetings as everyone else and I don't see that shit at all, plus HR makes it plainly clear that any of that kind of behavior will get you shitcanned in a real hurry.

But if you can combine basic Python knowledge with a high tolerance for spergs and being lectured at by moids dumber than you are, then it's like $200k easy.

Anyways, are you a python mommy jimie? :marseyshy3:

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Pretty much, yeah. I'm tech lead for a "data engineering squad" which really means I'm an overpaid JSON jannie / spend half my time in zoom meetings and the other half shitposting here while doing code reviews.

You're right that HR is strict and it's less awkward than it used to be, but it's still weird being the Lady Dev instead of just another dev. People outside my team constantly assume I'm a product or marketing person and sometimes try to give me dumbed down nontechnical explanations of bugs - b-word, I introduced that bug.

HR is not really my friend and I would never want to go crying to them.

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Can u teach me python in lieu of my shitty college course taught by an incomprehensible :marseypajeet:?

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Yes. Do this https://learnpythonthehardway.org/

Ping me if you get stuck.

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Ew no, I already gave the r-slurs at my uni way too much because I need thee course, I want you to do it for free.

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You can get the old edition free I think. Or do freecodecamp.

But python the hard way is good because you don't have to be smart or interested, you can just grind your way to competency.

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Did you have a background with other languages before trying that? Working on https://learncpp.com right now (about 60% through) but figured I'd move onto python afterwards.

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I taught myself just by reading the documentation, it's really not hard

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do you not know about library genesis lmao just download the ebook idiot

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omg lets exchange jupyter notebooks :marseyblush:

I don't blame you on the HR thing, but I think you understand that the mere threat of it keeps most moids in line. And while people outside your team mistaking you for someone in a less-technical role is annoying, realistically what matters in terms of career advancement and compensation is your manager's opinion on you which I assume is fine.

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There's still plenty of spergy shit that isn't HR-worthy. I've definitely worked with weirdos who just could not read a room and never got reported for anything because they weren't actually harassing anyone, they were just total boners

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>ugh this person didn't break any rules but i want them punished anyways!!

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thinks not reading the room is a criminal offense

Are you Japanese?

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But if you can combine basic Python knowledge with a high tolerance for spergs and being lectured at by moids dumber than you are,

You literally just have to learn how to be aggressive. That's it. "Shut up Jimmy, you're a junior developer don't try and tell me how to do my job." Employ that whenever you need to and everyone annoying will frick off pretty quickly.

Half the reason b-words have a problem is cause they're terminally passive and/or don't know how to speak Moid.

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This is sort of true. @JimieWhales used too sugar coat all @JimieWhales's code reviews like, "sweaty @JimieWhales know you tried but NO is a boolean in yaml"

Now @JimieWhales is just like, "fix", "don't do a join like this", "keep yourself safe"

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you sound like a fun manager :marseyadmire:

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Honestly would prefer to get a keep yourself safe once in a while in my PRs to fix some of the r-slurred things I cook up

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I like how womyn in general thinks any disagreement from males = oppreshun.

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I think :marseynoooticer: women :marseysuffragette: just give up on engineering once they get out of college :marseymcwagie: since they were pushed into it by these programs but don't actually :marseynerd3: like it

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Not sexy Indian dudettes.

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I've met way too many Iranian women who hate being engineers but get stuck doing it for 30 years just to escape the country.

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Since 2020 the percentage of white males hired by all 500 s and p companies was 6% despite being 38% of the population.

If you even see a white male at a high paying job you can guarantee he is 100% the cream of the crop and you can rely on him too deliver. Everypony else you see though is probably qualified too operate a toaster

Trans lives matter

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That story turned out to be mostly BS, and I think it was because jobs held by people other than white males correlated with major layoffs during Covid, and the re-hiring was more of a return back to normal operations.

Celebrating it too much basically risks an Indian snake killing bounty problem.

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Or nepo bb

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