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I was extremely upset and left the apartment. In my anger I told her to never speak to me again. Since, she and my fwb have both been texting me wondering why I'm upset/what they did wrong. My fwb specifically thinks I have no right to be upset since I was open to having a threesome with them and “should've seen this coming.”

:marseyagreefast: Should have tbh

I don't think I should've seen this coming at all. I agreed to have a threesome, I didn't agree to this. They couldn't have waited until the morning when I was awake to ASK me at least? I feel violated.

:marseymanysuchcases: Really what were you expecting here?

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:#marseygigachad: i consent

:#marseychadfoid: I consent

:#marseychonkerfoid: isn't there :marseycheerup: someone you forgot to ask? !dramatards look at my meme

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Good meme. :@johnnyboopat:

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@automeme would have loved this :mar#seytears:

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