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Students :marseyemo:shouldnt be able to take sociology classes until theyve taken economics :marseyclapping2:




it's been 50 years since we got the right to open our own open bank accounts & credit cards.

in 2024,

  • we pay 30% more in overdraft fees

women overdraft their account more often, and this is mens fault :marseywomanmoment2:

  • the wage gap exists after adjusting for hours worked, occupation, education, & industry

no source, so I found this https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2014/02/24/childless-women-in-their-twenties-out-earn-men-so/


  • everyday goods & services cost us more 42% of the time

women choose to buy more ex0ensive stuff than men, again this is mens fault

i don't think society ever wanted women to have money.

we now outnumber men in the college-educated workforce, yet we still have a whole host of financial issues to grapple with. clearly the system was designed to leave us out and powerful forces are involved in keeping the status quo as it is.

womxn have more access to education and thats bad too

with the rise of the tradwife/stay at home girlfriend trends, "lobotomy core," and "i'm not a feminist" becoming a trend on TikTok, it's clear that people still (at least subconsciously) don't want women to be financially independent.

womxn dont want to be :marseywitch2: and the west has fallen

also womxn:

Women long held primary purchasing responsibility for everyday household items, but today, they control or influence 85% of consumer spending.


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I can do logic and reason proofs too, bb :marseyflirt:

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  • Pog : Cease penny posting immmediately: you are white
  • AnHeroedOats : I'm keeping her spirit alive :marseysteaming:

Physicscel bb

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Oh shit based, me too. What kind? (If it's not so specific as to be doxxable ofc.)

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Nuclear is my specialty! I want to irradiate people and get paid for it :marseydaemon: (I.E. medical/radiation physics)

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Honestly good choice career-wise even if a bit less interesting than some others.

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I just don't want to deal with the whole “publish or perish” shit, I'm happy with clinic duty and letting others get the glory

My research is already being used in numerous cancer clinics throughout the country, I'm cool with just that :marseypeace:

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That is pretty cool, my research will likely never be directly used lmao.

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You never know, you might be the next “I've become buster of balls” or whatever :marseyoppenheimer:

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