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"Weirdly jealous"

Women shaming others to excuse their behavior is hilarious and infuriating.

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It was an open relationship and it was big ol' mess. They pretended to be more open and chill with everything than they really were but his partner was weirdly jealous of me and was convinced he'd leave her for me. She pulled these power moves where she made him cut short us hanging out one time and made him spend time with her and I cut it quits then and there. I so wasn't down for juvenile shit like that.

Ironically she ended up leaving him for the other dude she was screwing.


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Why would :marseywood: they just post these Ls

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They're also looking for validation for what they're doing. Look at how she acts like it's inconceivable the other woman would sink as low as to be jealous, but then gloats she left her man for another.

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Validate me!


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No, i don't date fat chicks

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Women :marseyblops2chadcel2: are social :marseysjw: and will participate in gossip :marseysmug5: without thought.

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>People always pretend to be more cool with everything than they really are.

I wonder what other concepts reddit celebrates that this idea could be applied to?


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because they thought they'd be able to win him over from the other woman obvs

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How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more. If this is actually true, if this ugly black filth was able to have s*x with a blonde white girl at the age of thirteen while I've had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just proves how ridiculous the female gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME?



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