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Ex-CNN reporter is haunted from having dinner with Trump supporters who turn out to be normal :marseywingcuck:


!chuds foid pizzashill :marseyweeping:








A former CNN reporter took to social media Sunday to talk about how she is 'haunted' by a dinner with several Donald Trump supporters who, at first glance, seemed 'normal.'

'All were well-educated and successful in careers,' Michelle Kosinski recalled of the recent dinner party that she described on X.

'They seemed great! On the surface. For like an hour ' the one-time NBC News correspondent continued, categorizing the Trump-leaning guests as 'closeted.'

'But slowly, over a few drinks, they began to let slip their true MAGA natures.'

The 50-year-old who served as CNN's White House Correspondent until 2020 went on to add how she was surprised by the revelation - marveling at how a 'normal' a group of people could support a politician she does not approve of.

She proceeded to provide personal details about the party guests, along with some of their children

'One of the couples each attended top Ivy League colleges,' the former CNN staffer wrote in a thread that has since been viewed 3million times.

'But now that it was university time for their own kids, they were adamantly NOT letting them apply to any ivies.

'And were weird about explaining why. Though the kids were double legacies. Okayyy... moving on...'

Pivoting from the subject likely linked to recent protests over the current conflict in Gaza, Kosinski turned to the next group of non-progressive principles.

'The next crew suddenly busted out with air quotes when mentioning climate change,' the onetime Senior Diplomatic Correspondent for famously left-leaning CNN recalled.

'Again, these are otherwise smart people,' she added, insinuating that the millions of Americans who support the current GOP frontrunner are of below-average intelligence.

'Not scientists, clearly,' she sniped. 'But educated. And the dude took seething umbrage when my friend mentioned the damage Trump had done and vowed to continue to do.'

'The others,' she added, 'when they realized that a few in their presence came armed with (gasp) actual facts (NO!)-- quickly changed the subject.

'[They] nervously said they don't want to talk politics,' the journ*list remembered, adding of her fellow diners: 'They realized they would be eviscerated on all idiotic points, especially on the economy.'

'My friends and I realized we were surrounded by otherwise carefully closeted MAGAts,' she eventually concluded - before describing how the supposed 'ordeal' has already left an emotional toll

'It's funny how the extremist or just wrong beliefs can't help but leak out, even when you least expect them, and from people you least expect. They are out there.'

'This dinner continues to haunt me. They all seemed so... normal.'

Many were quick to mock the anecdote, pointing out the political writer's hesitance to accept other schools of thought as legitimate, as well as her desire to not socialize with those sporting particular views.

'Darn, to be haunted by conversations with those you disagree. You have my sympathy,' wrote one such user, in a post that has been like more than 1,500 times.

Jokingly parroting he "This dinner continues to haunt me", someone else sniped" You desperately need to engage with people outside your bubble if divergent views "haunt" you.

Someone else added: 'You live in your bubble.

'People are fed up with self-righteous “progressives” freedom of thought precedes freedom of speech.'

Mark Hemingway of Real Clear Investigations, meanwhile, pointed to how mortgage rates have tripled after three years of Joe Biden.

'It is truly amazing how at a time when mortgage rates have close to tripled in three years, overall consumer prices are up 20 percent (25 for food), and Russia's at war in Eastern Europe and the entire Middle East is a powder keg -- the response is "MAGAs don't know facts!"'

Others honed in on the outspoken progressive's apparent desire to put Trump supporters through a process made popular by regimes known as 'reeducation.'

'If people don't ever talk about these things as friends and neighbors, and only live in their own warped information silos, how will they ever learn what is true or false?' a post from Koinski in the same threat reads.

'How will the truth ever make them consider alternatives? The allure of bullsh*t is co-opting decent minds.'

Kosinski, most recently the host of a left-leaning podcast, has 65.5K followers on X, with whom she regularly shares anti-Trump content.

In a post published in December 2016, she is seen schmoozing with her husband and the Obamas during her stint as CNN's White House Correspondent.

She has yet to pen a follow-up to her series of posts about the dinner.

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So there's this supposed journ*list named Matt Taibbi.

I think he's shown himself to be an idiot during recent years. But, he once did a talk at a small college describing how the media played an enormous part in getting Trump into office. This was soon after, 2017 or so. He was right, IMO. At least that once. Lemme see if I can find it again.

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He's a controversial guy, mostly because his core position over the last ten years has been "mass news media is r-slurred", which unsurprisingly hasn't won him a lot of fans in certain circles. Prior to that, he was (IMO justifiably) regarded as one of the best investigative journ*lists around. His work on the "Russiagate" story, however, resulted in widespread hatred from fellow journos, which was only made worse when it turned out he was pretty much spot on.

But yeah, one of his big talking points about the 2016 election was that the media didn't grasp that he was setting them up as "the enemy", and that distrust of the news media was so strong that it worked to amplify his appeal when they refused to take him seriously.

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