Dead name deez nutz ya queer. 🍒🍆
7mo ago(image post)Edited 7mo ago487 thread views#275651spent 15 currency on pings
Lertified Coser
7mo ago#6531077
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In what reality do laundry and dishes actually take a lot of your time. You rinse the dishes when you're done with them and put them in the dish washer. You let the dish washer run overnight and then take the clean dishes out in the morning.
Clothes washing takes a bit more babying but it still takes like an hour for a cycle to complete, so long as you plan on hanging out at home for the day you can spend 90% of the time 'washing clothes' doing whatever the heck you want. I work from home two days a week and I just do my laundry on Fridays between work stuff. More of my time is taken up by folding the washed clothes than it is by actually washing said clothes, and even then it's not a lot.
We live in and age of wonders and people are too r-slurred to appreciate it, shit's sad.
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In what reality do laundry and dishes actually take a lot of your time. You rinse the dishes when you're done with them and put them in the dish washer. You let the dish washer run overnight and then take the clean dishes out in the morning.
Clothes washing takes a bit more babying but it still takes like an hour for a cycle to complete, so long as you plan on hanging out at home for the day you can spend 90% of the time 'washing clothes' doing whatever the heck you want. I work from home two days a week and I just do my laundry on Fridays between work stuff. More of my time is taken up by folding the washed clothes than it is by actually washing said clothes, and even then it's not a lot.
We live in and age of wonders and people are too r-slurred to appreciate it, shit's sad.
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But I have to go downstairs every 90 minutes to swap the loads, how am I supposed to expend this kind of emotional energy with my anxiety acting up?!
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!gaystapo This moid thought he could hide his straggotry in chudrama however I couldn't let him get away with this comment
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Frick I'm so owned
I guess I love sucking peepee
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@The10thMan you gotta reverse the chudding and maybe even apply it to this dude, chudrama is a safe haven
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My dishwasher broke and my lame-butt landlord really dragged his feet on fixing it so for two months I had to do that shit by hand.
Fricking hated every minute of it, it took so unbelievably long
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How did it break?
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